Sleepless Nights

18 1 0

(End of the week meeting Odin)

It was the middle of the night and Odin was crying, Jessica got up and told her parents to go back to sleep, they put a monitor in her room as well, she went to Odins room and picked him up

Jessica-"What's wrong buster?" (rubs his back)

She checks his diaper, then sees if he's hungry, then she sits down in the chair and starts to sing a song to him, he then goes back to sleep, she falls asleep in the chair with him, Nick comes in and takes Odin from her and puts him back in his crib, Nick then picks up Jessica then takes her to her room, he tucks her in

Jessica-"Night dad".

Nick-"Night baby". (kisses her head)

He heads back to his and Laurens room, Odin starts to cry again and Nick goes to get him, he passes Jessicas room and she has him in her bed along with Axl, Nick goes into the room and lays on the bed

Jessica-"Might just wanna keep him here".

Nick-"I'm gonna stay with you".

Lauren-(walks in) "I guess that makes two of us". (lays on Jessicas bed with them)

Jessica goes back to sleep Odin is in the middle of her and Nick, Axl goes back to his bed, Lauren decides to head back to her and Nicks room to sleep since there is not enough room for all of them on Jessicas bed, the rest of the night Odin sleeps, he must've sensed that Jessica was leaving the next day to go back on tour

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