We're Back!

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(October 2022)

Hillary- "You guys all set?"

Mark-"I think so babe".

Jen-"Okay we're coming back from break, Jess is gonna stay on the couch and James is gonna do his thing".

James Corden-"Welcome back to the show, we have JC Styles here with us promoting her tv show, now Jess I know I ask this all the time, but when is The Bloodline getting back together?"

Jessica-"Wish I knew James".

James-"Oh come on, you know sometimes I wish I could just kidnap all of you". (cheers from crowd)

Jessica-"James please tell me the others are not behind the curtain right now tied up".

The curtain opens and the crowd goes crazy

Mark-"Hey Jess a little help".

Mikey-"Yeah a warning would've been nice!"

Jessica-"I had no idea he was doing this, or did I?" (smirks and crowd laughs)

Jake-"Oh come on help us".

James and Jessica go over and untie them then they all go to the couch

James-"Well how are we?"

Anthony-"Good after being untied".

Jessica-"How did you get them here anyways?"

James-"Don't play dumb".

Mikey-"Alright we'll tell them".

Mark-"We have some big news".



Jessica-"A new album!"

Mikey-"We're back!"

The crowd cheers

James-"This is so exciting, when is it coming out?"

Mark-"Next month actually".

James-(brings out picture of the album) "Here is the album cover, it's called Where We Belong".

Jessica-"We've been working on this since Feburary, we kinda had to lie to our families".

Mikey-"I know for a fact when we go home, our wives, husbands, and kids are gonna have a long chat with us".

James-"Wait you guys said next month, isn't that when baby Styles is due?"

Jessica-"It sure is, we have this song we want the spouses and kids to be in, and I told the boys to wait for the little guy".

They talk somemore, once the interview ends they head back to their houses, when Jessica gets home Harry is waiting for her

Harry-"What the hell". (kisses her)

Jessica-"Sorry had to". (hugs him)

Niall-(walks into living room) "You had us all yelling".

Nick-"I'm just happy". (hugs her)

Jagger-"Mummy's going back on the road!"

Jessica-"Once your brother is born, and also the album has to come out first bug". (kisses his head)

Saoirse-"Sissy look what daddy got me!"

Jessica-"Oh that's pretty, wanna put it on?"


Jessica helps her put on the necklace Nick got her while on tour, him and the guys were home for a week cause the kids asked them to because of the interview

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