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Jake-"Are they done?"

Mikey-"I don't think so".

Anthony-"Oh boy". (sighs)

Kristen-"You kids stay here for a bit more okay?"

In the house

Nick-"All I'm saying is that maybe you should reconsider your decison!"

Kevin-"I made my decison Nick, I want to spend more time with my wife and son!"

Brian-"Alright you two knock it off, the kids can hear us".

AJ-"Let them they need to hear this too".

Kristen-(walks in) "No they do not, bad enough Mark is crying his eyes out cause of you guys fighting and the other kids are comforting him".

Howie-"Nick, Kevin has made his decison, if he ever decides to comeback the door is always open it is for all of us".

Nick-"So what you're saying is that if another one of us left you would still keep going?"

AJ-"Of course we would this is our life dude".

Nick-"I'm sorry Kev, you need to spend time with them".

Kevin-"Says the one who needs their kids moms permission to see them".

Brian-"Kev do not go there".

Kristen-"What is this about".

Kevin-"Go ahead tell them Nick how Julie still doesn't trust you after the whole Paris thing".

Nick-"You gotta be fuckin kidding me Kev". (walks out)

AJ-"Nick where are you going!"

Nick-"Somewhere where he isn't, Brian just take Jess to your house I'll text my sisters". 

After Nick leaves the kids comeback in and sit down

Jessica-"Where's daddy?"

Brian-"He had to go cool down a bit sugar, you're gonna go home in a bit".

Howie-"I can't believe you Kevin, he apologized".

Kevin-"I know I shouldn't have said that".

Mark-"Can we go to the gameroom?"

Kristen-"Sure hun".

The kids go to the game room, Kevin then explains 

Kevin-"After Nick and her broke up she kept saying he hit her and everything, Julie thought it was true at the time and wouldn't let Jess stay with him remember?"

AJ-"I thought it was because of the whole thing with his mom".

Brian-"No it wasn't, Nick told me it took a lot of convincing for her to let Jessica come out her for school".

Kristen-"I just don't understand, he didn't do anything to Paris".

Kevin-"It's mostly cause of the partying and drinking hun". (sighs)

Howie-"I have a feeling he's not coming home tonight".

Brian-"Angel just texted me, he's back at the house, but is wasted".

AJ-"You sure you want to take her back there?"

Brian-"If I don't I'm not gonna hear the end of it bone".

They gather their things and get the kids

Kevin-"Thanks for coming over guys, sorry it had to end the way it did".

AJ-"When he sobers up I'm having him give you a call".

The kids hug Kevin, Mark, and Kristen after that they leave, Brian gets to Nicks house with Jessica and knocks on the door

Angel-(answers) "Thanks Brian".

Brian-"No problem, how is he?"

Angel-"Better than he was, he told us about the fight".

Brian-"They will talk eventually, well I gotta get going".

Jessica-"Bye Uncle B". (hugs him)

Brian-"Bye sugar, I'll see you soon".

After Brian leaves Angel picks up Jessica and they head in the house, BJ gets her some food, after she eats Aaron and Michael swim with her in the pool, Leslie goes into Nicks room and checks on him

Leslie-"How you feeling?"

Nick-"Like I shouldn't have done that, fuck I forgot Jess".

Leslie-"Brian brought her home, she's swimming with Aaron and Michael right now, you gotta get yourself together Nick, this is the reason why she doesn't stay with you that much anymore".

Nick-(sighs) "I know Les".

Leslie-(pats his back) "I'll have her come in and say goodnight".

Nick-(groans) "No I don't want her to see me like this".

Leslie-"Too late, night". (ruffles his hair)

Leslie leaves the room when Jessica comes in, Aaron helped her into her pajamas, she told him she was going to sleep with Nick

Jessica-(gets in bed) "Hi daddy".

Nick-"Hi baby". (wraps arms around her) 

Jessica-"Are you sick?"

Nick-"No baby, I had too much to drink".

Jessica-"Oh like Uncle Aaron did?"

Nick-"Yeah like Uncle Aaron did".

Jessica-"You need something?"

Nick-"No baby I'll be okay, I'll take something in the morning". (kisses her head)

Jessica-"Get some sleep". (kisses his nose)

They both close their eyes and go to sleep, at Kevins he was putting Mark to bed 

Mark-"Are you sure about your decison?"

Kevin-(sighs) "I am for now bud, later down the road I will go back to the group, but for now I just wanna stay home with you and your mom".

Mark-"The only one I won't see in school is Jess". (tears up)

Kevin-"Oh bud I completely forgot she's still in pre k". (hugs him)

Kristen-"We can pick a day to hang out with her and maybe even the others". (kisses his head)

Mark-"Okay, but you and Uncle Nick need to say sorry to eachother".

Kevin-"I know bud".

After that they get Mark to bed then Kevin and Kristen go to bed themselves 

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