Football Game/Goodbye

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(Tour started in the summer, but the NFL does have preseason I'm making set in July though lol)

The next day everyone was up and eating breakfast Jordan came over to Nick and gave him something

Nick-(opens it) "Today?!"

Jordan-"Well you coming?"

Nick-"Heck yeah man thanks". (pats his back)

AJ-"What is it?"

Jessica-"We're all going to watch football!"

Kevin-"No way man, thanks".

Jordan-"Least I can do you guys are family afterall". (smiles)

They finish breakfast, once they are all done the boys help with the dishes

Julie-"Oh guys you don't have to".

AJ-"Shush women, go and get ready for the game".

Nick-(laughs) "Some things never change".

Nora-"Oh trust me I know, we aren't even together anymore and he still acts like we are". (laughs)

Jessica-"Mommy look what JoJo got me!" (shows her)

Julie-"Your own jeresy with your last name on it, how sweet of him".

Jordan-"Here Nick thought you two should match". (hands him jersey)

Nick-"Thanks man". (hugs him)

The boys finish up doing the dishes then go get ready for the game, once everyone was ready they went to the cars and headed to the stadium, once they got there Jordan took them to the lockerooms for a tour

Jessica-"Tiki!"(runs and hugs him)

Tiki-"What's up kiddo". (hugs her)

Jordan-"Tiki I'm sure you're familiar with these guys". (points to the boys)

Tiki-"Wife has you guys on repeat daily". (shakes their hands)

Cassie-"I think Nick is starstruck". (laughs)

Julie-"Nick you good?"

Nick-"Yeah". (smiles)

Tiki-"Big fan I heard from your little one". (shakes Nicks hand)

Nick talks to Tiki for a bit while the others meet some of the other players, after that Jordan goes to get ready while the others get a tour of the field

Brian-"Remember your birthday when we sang here?"

Nick-"Sure did".

Jessica-"Daddy catch!" (throws ball)

Kevin-"Nice throw cutie!" (picks her up)

They throw the ball around for a bit Nick sits down on the field Jessica comes over and tackles him

Nick-"What the heck". (laughs then hugs her)

Kealia-"Nick, Jess look here". (takes picture)

Ben-"You guys having fun?"

Jessica-"Yep, bubba you having fun?"

Cody-"I am sissy". (hugs her)

After a bit Jordan and the team come out for warm ups, Nick and the rest of the boys get some pictures, Jessica, Julie, and Cody get a picture with Jordan along with the others, after that they head to their seats and grab some food and drinks

Mikey-"Jess what did you get?"

Jessica-"Nachos want some?"

They share some nachos Nick and Brian look at eachother and smile

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