A Couple Years Later

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AJ-"Get back here you".

Jake-"Never!" (runs)

Kevin-(grabs him) "Got you".

Mark-"Jakey I'll save you!"

The boys tackle Kevin, Baylee and Mikey come from the other room

Baylee-"When Jess come?"

Kristen-"Hopefully soon sweetie, right Nick?"

Nick-"I hope so, Julie said she would call when they landed, Q is gonna pick her up".

Brian-"Julie isn't coming with her?"

Nick-"She has other stuff to do or she would".

Mikey-"I miss Jess". (pouts)

Howie-"We all do buddy, but she's gonna be here soon".

After awhile Q comes in 

Q-"Special delievery!"

Jessica-"Daddy!" (runs to him)

Nick-(picks her up and hugs her tight) "Hi baby".


Jessica-"Mikey!" (gets down and hugs him)

She hugs all of her aunts and uncles then the other boys

Paris-"Is that a Jess I hear?"

Jessica-"Pari!" (runs and hugs her)

Q-"I put her bags in her room Nick".

Nick-"Thanks man".

Jessica-"Oh wait here". (goes to room)

Brian-"Uh oh". (laughs)

Shes comes back out of her room and goes to the couch then sits on Nicks lap and gives him a bag

Nick-"What's this?"

Jessica-"Happy Birthday!" (hugs him)

Nick-"Aww baby you didn't have to". (kisses her head)

Jessica-"Mommy helped me pick it out".

Nick opens the bag and smiles, it's one of his favorite bands on a record

Paris-"You don't have that one yet".

Nick-"I do now though, thank you baby". (hugs Jessica)

Jen-(walks in) "Is everyone here now?"

Jessica-"Jen!" (hugs her)

Jen-(smiles) "Hi sweetie".

Kevin-"I believe we all are, you said Cassie is going to meet us there Howie?"

Howie-"Yeah, Nora is coming too".


AJ-(laughs) "Yes bud you get to see mommy".

Jessica-"Mommy not coming sorry daddy".

Nick-"It's okay sweetie I got you and Paris".

Paris-"We got you the rest of the month". (smiles)

Jessica-"Yay!" (hugs her)

They all laugh, after a bit the boys get the kids ready to head to dinner for Nicks birthday when they get there they go to their table

Nora-"Happy birthday, hi Jess". (hugs them)


Cassie-"She's getting big Nick".

Nick-"I know can't believe she's almost four". 

Anthony-"Hi mommy". (hugs her)

They order their food and eat, they talk about work and also the kids, all of a sudden Jessica sees Julie

Jessica-"It mommy". (points)

Julie-(walks over) "Hey guys, happy birthday Nick". (hands him gift)

Nick-"Thanks, I thought you weren't able to make it".

Julie-"Meeting is here, I didn't think I would run into you guys".

Drew-"Hi Jess". (waves)


After that Julie and Drew go to their table

AJ-"Who was that with her".

Jessica-"Stupid boyfriend". (mumbles)

Paris-"Jess what did you say?"

Jessica-"Mommy's dumb boyfriend". (sighs)

Nick-"Hey now that's not nice, and neither is stupid".

Jessica-"Sorry daddy, don't like him".

AJ-"Uh oh Nick".

Nick-"I'll talk to mommy".

They finish up their dinner, Jessica goes over to Julie to say goodbye, Drew goes to hug her, but she walks away Julie looks at Nick and he mouthed that they would talk later, once Nick and Paris got home they got Jessica ready for bed, all of the other boys went back to their houses, Anthony and Jake went with their moms for the night

Paris-"There you go sweetie".

Jessica-"Thank you".

Nick-(comes in) "Baby we need to talk about Drew".

Jessica-"He's mean when he comes to visit".

Paris-"Is he mean to you?"

Jessica-"No says bad things about daddy, don't like it".

Nick-(calls Julie) "Hey can we talk?"

Julie-"If it's about Drew, I know Jess isn't a fan".

Nick-"What does he say when she's at the house?"

Julie-"What do you mean Nick?"

Nick-"She said he says stuff about me".

Julie-"Oh Nick I knew she was going to tell you, he started saying shit about you and the guys I told him to stop cause of Jess being in the house, she overheard us talking, when she left she came out of her room crying, I told her none of it was true, he was calling you a bad dad and everything else, which is totally not true you are a great dad, I told him if he kept saying that stuff it was over between us".

Nick-"Well I appreciate it".

Julie-"You're her dad you aren't awful, and you're there when she needs you and I am thankful for that really".

Nick-"You wanna say goodnight to her real quick?"


Jessica-(takes phone) "Night mommy".

Julie-"Night baby girl, have fun with daddy and Paris, behave too".

Jessica-"I will".

After Nick hangs up with Julie, him and Paris get a movie ready for them and Jessica to watch in their bedroom, Jessica is laying the middle with them, halfway through the movie Nick looks over and sees that she is asleep

Paris-"Take her to bed, I know you probably wanna lay with her so go ahead babe, I'll see you in the morning". (kisses him)

Nick picks up Jessica and takes her to her room, he gets in the bed with her and covers them up

Jessica-"Night daddy".

Nick-"Night baby love you". (kisses her head)

He then goes to sleep

Drew-"You bitch". (slaps her)

Julie-"I can't lie to my childs father". (calls the police)

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