Special Visitors/Announcement

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(September 2017)

It was now September and Harry was on his world tour, Jessica would only be on it for a little bit before she would have to go home and rest before the baby comes, Nick had a few days off, so him and Lauren along with Odin decided to come and surprise Jessica and Harry

Harry-(comes in carrying Odin) "Love, someone is here to see you".

Jessica-"Oh my goodness!" (takes Odin from him)

Nick-"Surprise". (hugs her)

Lauren-"How you feeling hun?"

Jessica-"Feeling good, he's kicking though".

Nick-"You guys making a post yet?"

Harry-"We are later today after my meetings".

Jessica-"A day off, but this guys is still busy". (smiles)

Odin-"Baba". (touches Jessicas bump)

Nick-"Aww Odin, you're gonna be a great Uncle".

Jessica-"He sure is, you should've seen Uncle Aaron and Aunt Angels reaction when I told them". (laughs)

Train-"We're all done with everything today Haz, so if you guys wanna go to the house you can".

Harry-"Thanks Train".

Lauren-"Ready to go Odin?"


Jessica-"Learning more words buster". (kisses his head)

They get their things together and head to the house, Harry was in Tampa for the week, so they stayed at the house Jessica and the boys bought, once they got their they put their things in their rooms then they went outside to play with Axl, and Nacho (Igby passed away around 2016 2017 ish)

Nick-"Nothing really has changed".

Jessica-"Nope it really hasn't".

Lauren-"Did you ever get that thing done in your office?"

Jessica-"I did actually, I want the boys to be here though to show them". (smiles)

Harry-"She won't even let me see".

Nick-"You should've seen her when the boys tried to go in there".

They all laugh, once they were done outside they went in a had some dinner, Harry and Jessica then showed Lauren and Nick the pictures they took for the baby, Jessica then picked the ones she wanted from her phone and made a post

IG Post

IG Post

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Caption- Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you baby boy, Baby Styles coming March 2018

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Caption- Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you baby boy, Baby Styles coming March 2018

Comments- NiallHoran- Congrats you two!, LiamPayne-Oh my gosh Bear's getting a cousin, LouisTomlinson-So excited fo you two, MikeyLittrell-Can't wait to meet my nephew!, NickCarter-I'm gonna have a grandbaby :)

Harrys Post

Harrys Post

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Caption- This is something I've dreamt of since we first got together and now we are gonna be parents, Baby Styles March 2018

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Caption- This is something I've dreamt of since we first got together and now we are gonna be parents, Baby Styles March 2018

Comments- JCarter9-Love you baby, GemmaStyles- You guys are going to be great parents!, Fan-First Mikey and Kendra now you guys!!!!, Kendra-Our boys are gonna be the best of friends, MarkRichardson- Bloodline babies are taking over lol

Once the make the post Harry and Jessica head to bed while Nick and Lauren get Odin to bed then they sneak up to the office

Lauren-"You sure it's the same code?" (whispers)

Nick-(types in code) "Bingo".

They head in and can't believe their eyes

Lauren-"No way".


Lauren-"No wonder why she didn't want anyone going in".

They quietly head out and lock the door of the office and head to bed, what they don't know is that Jessica saw everything on camera and both her and Harry are laughing, cause what Nick and Lauren saw isn't that actual thing

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