Pearl Carter

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(April 2021)

Harry-"She is so tiny".

Jessica-"She really is". (holding baby)

Nick-"Is that your big sister Pearl?"

Lauren-"You should've seen Odin and Soarise when we brought her home". (smiles)

Harry-"Jags you wanna hold the baby?"

Jagger-"Can I?"

Nick-"Sure you can here I'll help you".

Jessica hands Nick Pearl and he helps Jagger hold him, the twins were taking a nap in Jessica and Harrys room, Nick and Lauren brought the baby over while Odin and Saorise were at school

Lauren-"So I heard you guys found a bigger house in London".

Harry-"We sure did, we have people moving stuff right now".

Jessica-"We're really glad that the twins will have their own room now instead of having to be in ours".

Jagger-"I get a bigger room".

Harry-"Yes you do". (kisses his head)

Nick-"So the date is set then?"

Jessica-"Yep Feburary tenth". (smiles)

Harry-"I'm gonna consider it as a belated birthday present". (laughs)

They spend some more time with, Nick, Lauren, and the baby once they left Harry went to check on the twins, he came back with Darcy

Jessica-"Eddie still sleeping".

Harry-"Yes, his fever hasn't gone down either".

Jessica-"Poor guy, I'll go get a cool cloth for him". (kisses Darcys head)

Once Jessica goes to her and Harrys room, she gets a cold washcloth and puts it on Edwards head, he woke up in the middle of the night with a fever and it hasn't gone down, she checked his diaper seeing that Harry already did then left the bedroom, when Jessica got back to the living room Darcy and Jagger were watching tv while Harry was in the kitchen

Jagger-"Daddy's making food".

Jessica-"I see that". (smiles)

Harry-"Love would you like some?"

Jessica-"Not right now, thank you though".

Harry-"I'll put whatever is left in the fridge I made a little plate for Eddie for when he wakes up". (starts to feed Darcy,and gives Jagger his plate)

Jagger-"Thank you daddy".

Harry-"You're welcome son". (smiles)

They hear Eddie from the monitor and Jessica goes to get him, his fever went down and she gave him a quick bath to get rid of the sweat, she then changed him them took him out to the living room and started to give him food

Jessica-"I don't think he's hungry babe".

Harry-"Are you hungry Eddie?"

Edward shakes his head and he grabs for Harry, he hands Darcy to Jessica and he he grabs Edward, Harry starts to rubs his stomach

Jessica-"Does your belly hurt Ed?"

He shakes his head and lays it on Harrys shoulder


Jessica-"Are you saying we should give bubba juice for his belly?"

Jagger-"Yes". (goes to fridge)

Jagger comes back with a small bottle of apple juice and hands it to Harry to give to Edward, he helps Edward and he drinks the juice

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