The Breakup

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The next day Bryce and Jessica talk on the phone while the others are outside on the patio with Nuni and Paki

Mark-"How long have they been talking".

Jake-"Like half an hour". (sighs)

Anthony-"Seems like some of it's a yelling conversation".

Mikey-"Dude don't tell me if Matt went behind your back with another dude you would be okay with it?"

Jake-"He's right, I think all of us would be that way".

Kealia-"I feel so bad, this is her first relationship".

JJ-"I know babe". (hugs her)

Nuni-"Oh if only Julie was here".

Paki-"Even if she was I think Jess would talk to Lauren hun, you know the whole story".

Nuni-"I know, I just wish Julie would've gotten better". (sighs)

Mark-"We all do Mrs.Ohai".

Nuni-"Please call me Nuni, you guys are family". (smiles)

Inside with Jessica on the phone with Bryce

Jessica-"I just don't understand why?"

Bryce-"I wish I knew also, she came onto me Jess".

Jessica-"Came onto how, the past four months you haven't tried to hide anything then you make up a story about your parents saying no, your mom literally called me when she saw TMZ".

Bryce-(sighs) "Look I still love you".

Jessica-"You still love me, you fuckin cheated on me!"

Bryce-"I'm guessing there's no second chance".

Jessica-"No there's not, listen it's gonna take some time to forgive you".

Bryce-"I know, I hope though one day down the road we can still be friends".

Jessica-"Same here".

After that she hung up the phone, Jessica then went outside where the others were

Mikey-"So I take that you're single now".

Jessica-"Yep". (sighs)

JJ-"Sorry tiger". (hugs her)

Mark-"Have you made a statement?"

Jessica-"Just sent one to Jen so TMZ can shut up, I also tweeted a note then I'm gonna post on IG later".

Jake-"Please tell me your dad didn't do anything stupid when he went to the house?"

Jessica-"He didn't thank god, him and Bryce talked and he also talked to his parents, his mom called me yesterday and we talked as well".

Paki-"Well that's good, tell you what kids go get ready cause we have to get going to dinner soon".

Mikey-"Oh we get to meet the rest of the family".

Jessica-"Oh my gosh". (laughs)

They all go and get ready for dinner, they were heading to Jessicas cousins house for dinner, well technically her moms cousin, but she still called him her cousin, once they were all changed they went to the cars and went to the house

JJ-"Here Jess". (hands her keys)

Mikey-"What the heck?"

Jessica-"Legal in Hawaii Mikey, plus I have my learners permit remember?" (she got it early lol)

Once they get to the house they are greeted my everyone


Jessica-"Leo!" (hugs him)

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