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(September 2019)

Jessica took Jagger with her to see Nick and the boys on their DNA tour, it was the end of the tour leg since Lauren is due in October with a baby girl, Odin is so excited to be a big brother, once the show was over Jagger was crawling around on Nicks tour bus

Nick-"You thinking of making another album?"

Jessica-"I've been writing when I'm free from this one".

Harry-"Hey". (laughs)

Nick-"I love the album by the way Harry".

Harry-"Why thank you".

Jagger crawls over to Nick and he picks him up and sits him on his lap

Jessica-"Who has you Jags?"

Nick-"Say pops has you". (kisses his head)

Harry-"You ready for next month?"

Nick-"You have no idea". (smiles)

Jessica-"Is mom doing okay?"

Nick-"She's nervous, but excited".

Once the bus gets to the airport they get on the plane and head to Vegas once they get there they go to the house, once they get to the house Harry gets Jagger to bed while Jessica goes to check on Odin

Odin-"Sissy?" (mumbles)

Jessica-"Hey buster". (kisses his head)

Odin-"Daddy home?"

Jessica-"Yeah he is, go back to sleep he'll see you in the morning".

After that Jessica went to her and Harrys room after saying goodnight to Nick and Lauren and checking on Jagger 

Harry-"Night love". (kisses her)


a/n I feel like I'm rushing this lol

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