Sick Day

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The boys were on the tour bus when they heard coughing coming from one of the kids bunks

Jake-(comes out) "Jess is coughing really bad".

Nick-"Crap". (goes to her bunk)

When Nick gets to Jessicas bunk he sees her coughing with tears in her eyes

Jessica-"It hurts daddy". (cries)

Nick-(picks her up) "What hurts baby?"

Jessica-"My throat". (coughs)

Howie-"Here Nick". (hands him medicine and water)

Nick helps Jessica drink some water then take some medicine, he then takes her temp

Kevin-"She's burning up, poor thing".

AJ-"Put her in sweats and make her lay down bud".

Nick changes Jessica into sweats. he puts her in his bunk to go to sleep, he comes back and lays with her

Brian-(walks in on the bus) "Hey where's Nick?"

AJ-"Jess is sick, he's laying with her in his bunk".

Kevin-"Has a fever and coughing real bad".

Brian-"Oh man, I guess no guitar today bud".

Mikey-"It's okay, Jess needs to get better".

Leighanne-"I just messaged Julie, she said that this is the first time that Nick has had to deal with Jess being sick without her".

Kevin-"We're helping him out don't you worry".

Leigh-"I let her know that also". (Howies gf)

Train-"Good thing we have two days off then, poor kid"

Q-"I'm gonna head to the store with Brian and Leighanne".

Brian-"Soup for dinner?"


Anthony-"Chicken noodle to make Jess feel better".

Jen-"You boys are so sweet".

Brian and Leighanne head to the store with Q, Mikey and Baylee stay with the others on the bus, AJ goes back to Nicks bunk to check on them, he opens the curtain and sees Nick on this phone

AJ-"Everything okay?"

Nick-"I just woke up, I checked her temp it hasn't gone down".

AJ-"She'll be okay, when she wakes up get her out of the sweats and into the shower".

Nick-"Thanks bone, first time doing it without Julie".

AJ-"Hey no problem man, that who you talking to?"

Nick-"Yeah she was just checking on Jess". (smiles)

After AJ is done checking on Nick and Jessica he heads back to where the others are, Brian and Leighanne comeback along with Train and they get started to make the soup, after a bit Jessica wakes up and Nick gets her in the shower then helps her change, he carries her to the lounge of the bus where the others are

Leigh-"You feeling better sweetie?"

Jessica-"No". (pouts)

Nick-"Her fevers gone down, her throat is still hurting". (rubs Jessicas back)

Train-"Well Leighanne and Brian are making soup so the broth should help it".

Anthony-"Chicken noodle". (smiles)

Nick-"You like chicken noodle right baby".

Jessica-(nods her head)

Nick-"Sorry about no guitar lessons today Mikey".

Mikey-"It's okay Uncle Nick, Jess needs to get better". (hugs him)

Jen-(walks in) "Soup is done, I brought yours and Jessicas Nick".

Nick-"Thank you".

Jessica-"Thank you". (horse voice)

Jen-"You're welcome sweetie, the rest of you out there".

Jake-"Oh man".

AJ-(laughs) "When you're sick you'll get special treatment also".

The others head into the other room on the bus to eat dinner, Nick helps Jessica with her soup and he eats his also

Nick-"Okay baby?"

Jessica-"Yep". (sips some broth)

Nick-"How's your throat?"

Jessica-"A little better". (coughs)

They finish up their soup, Leighanne comes in and takes their bowls, after that Nicks phone rings

Nick-"Here she is". (hands phone to Jessica)

Jessica-"Hi mommy".

Julie-"How you feeling sweetie?"

Jessica-"A little better, daddy is taking care of me".

Julie-"Good to hear that hun".

Jessica-"Love you here's daddy". (hands phone back to Nick)

Nick-"Her throat is still hurting a bit, we should take her to the doctor to check her tonsils".

Julie-"That's what I was thinking too, before she came with you she was sick with the same thing no fever though".

Nick-"I'll make sure she gets better don't worry Jules".

Julie-"I know you will, and also tell the boys I said thanks for helping you as well".

Nick-"Will do".

Once Nick hangs up the phone he sees Jessica heading back to the bunks with her blanket

Howie-"Early night it looks like Nicky".

Nick-"See ya in the morning guys".

Nick heads back to the bunks with Jessica, Brian and Leighanne head back to their bus with Baylee and Mikey, the others get the boys ready for bed then head to bed themselves, Nick is in his bunk with Jessica

Jessica-"We fit?"

Nick-(laughs) "Yeah we fit baby, you're on the inside so you don't fall out just in case".


Nick-"Oh yeah here". (grabs bottle from shelf and pours it into cup)

Jessica takes the medicine then she cuddles into Nick

Jessica-"Night daddy".

Nick-(kisses her head) "Night baby".

They go to bed 

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