Darcy Anne and Edward Desmond Styles

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(July 18th 2020)

Harry and Jessica are at the hospital, her water broke when she was in the studio doing some things, Train took Jagger while Harry rushed her to the hospital

Mikey-(runs in) "Are we late?"

Jake-(laughs) "No, she's not quite ready yet, Harry just called to tell us".

Kendra-"See this is what you get for moving back to Georgia". (laughs)

Mark-"Hey I'm just glad that all of us could make it, Jagger is with Train, they are on their way".

Hillary-"I wish we could all be at the hospital".

Anthony-"Same here".

Howie-"Hey all that matters is the fact that we are able to travel again to be here".

AJ-"He's right about that".

Nick-"Harry's calling". (answers phone)

Harry-"Just wanted to let you know she's about to push".

Nick-"Oh my gosh, let us know when they are here".

Harry-"I will for sure, we should be home today, depending on the health".

Nick-"Sounds good Haz".

Once they hang up Nick tells everyone, at the hospital Jessica is getting ready to push

Nurse-"Alright let's get these two out".

Doctor-"Here we go Jess".

She starts to push, she takes a couple breaks

Doctor-"Baby A is almost out".

They hear cries, and lay the baby on Jessica for a quick second

Nurse-"There's your baby girl, now we'll get ready to get baby boy out".

Harry-"Baby". (kisses Jessicas head)

Jessica-"She's perfect".

They take baby girl from Jessica to get her cleaned then they get ready for baby boy, Jessica starts to push again then takes a few breaks after a bit cries were heard

Doctor-"There he is!" (puts baby on Jessica)

Harry-"He's perfect". (kisses Jessica)

Jessica-"Promise me one thing?"

Harry-"What's that?"

Jessica-"Only one baby next time". (smiles)

Once the twins were cleaned up they got to hold them, Harry called Nick and told them after a few they would be home, after resting bit Harry helped Jessica to the back on the car and they drove home, once they got home everyone was waiting for them

Lauren-"Look Jags". (points at window)

Jagger-"Mummy and daddy!"

Harry and Jessica walk through the door with the twins, Axl comes up and sniffs them then he walks away they go to the living room and let Jagger meet is baby sister and brother

Jessica-"Do you wanna hold them?"


Harry-"Here daddy will help".

Jaggers holds both of them, they everyone has turns as they put on hand sanitizer

Anner-"Okay we have to know the names".

Jessica-"Darcy Anne and Edward Desmond". (smiles)

Both of Harrys parents hug them

Nick-"You two look like your daddy".

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