House Of Carters

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There is a knock at the door and BJ goes to answer it when she goes Julie is there with Jessica

BJ-"Hi sweetie!" (hugs her)

Jessica-"Hi Aunt BJ".

BJ-"Come on in Nick has been excited all day".

They head into the house and all the dogs surround Jessica

Julie-"Oh my goodness". (laughs)

Jessica-"Hi Layla!" (pets the dog)

Nick-"Did I hear my baby?"

Jessica-"Daddy!" (runs to him)

Nick-(hugs her tight) "Hi baby".

Leslie-"Finally". (hugs Jessica with Nick)

Julie-"Sorry it took a bit, the baby decided to come a week early".

Angel-"No problem you guys are here and safe".

BJ-"Sorry about all these dogs". (laughs)

Julie-"It's okay, she's use to it".

Jessica-"Oh daddy I forgot, mommy and JoJo got a new dog".

Nick-"Did they now?"

Jessica-"Yep his name is Jack, he's a Sheperd".

Aaron-"Did I hear a Jess?"

Jessica-"Uncle Aaron!" (runs and hugs him)

Nick and Julie go and talk in the kitchen

Nick-"Congrats on the baby, you doing okay?"

Julie-"I'm fine this is the first week I'm away from her, but I know Jordan can handle it". (smiles)

Nick-"Are you sure about this Jules?"

Julie-"Nick I know you can do it, plus your siblings and the rest of the band is here, so she'll have her boys".

Nick-"Okay, what about school?"

Julie-"That starts next week, here is her schedule, plus she will be with Baylee so it won't be that bad". (hands it to him with other papers)

Nick-"What are these?"

Julie-"A list of her medicines if she needs them".

Nick-"Still the inhaler?"

Julie-"Just in case".

Jessica-(runs into the kitchen then into another room) "Attack of the dogs!"

Aaron-"I'll save you!" (runs after her)

Nick-"I got my hands full with him,now her". (laughs)

Julie-"You'll be fine".

Angel-(walks in) "We're here to help Nick".

Leslie-"It's gonna be fun having her around".

BJ-"Plus she keeps Aaron occupied".

Aaron-(comes back in carrying Jessica) "All dogs are tuckered out".

Nick-"When you leaving?"

Julie-"I have to go to the studio then I'm leaving later tonight".

They talk a bit more then it was time for Julie to leave

Jessica-"Bye mommy". (hugs her)

Julie-"Bye sweetie, behave for daddy and your aunts and uncle".

Jessica-"I will, tell bubba and sissy I love them, oh JoJo too".

Julie-(smiles) "I will, the next time I will have Emily and Cody with me don't you worry".

After that Julie leaves, BJ then goes to start dinner while the others go to their rooms to do some things Nick goes into the living room and sees Jessica laying with one of the dogss

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