I Hate School

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Brian-"There they are".

Nick-"Is Mikey okay?"

The kids walk to where the boys are and Mikey is crying

Jessica-"Someone said something mean to Mikey". (hugs Mikey)

Brian-"Wanna talk about it when we get to Uncle Nicks?"

Mikey-"Yes". (cries)

Brian picks him up while Leighanne gets Baylee in the car, he's going over to Nicks with the other boys to go over the tour schedule, when they get there the kids head out to the kitchen to do their homework, Brian talks to Mikey

Nick-"Who was being mean to Mikey kids?"

Jake-"Kyle was, teacher saw and he got in trouble".

Mark-"I hate school sometimes". (huffs)

Angel-"You need help buddy?"

Mark-"Yes please". (smiles)

Nicks siblings along with Michael and Chris help the kids with their homework, all Jessica and Baylee had to do was write down words in the color of the word

AJ-"Thanks guys".

Aaron-"Hey no problem, I love these kids". (smiles)

Jessica-"Oh no!"

Baylee-"Uh oh, here Jess take my crayon". (hands it to her)

Jessica-"Thanks Bay". (writes then gives back crayon)

BJ-"What happend?"

Jessica-"My crayon broke, Baylee helped though".

Michael-"Good thing we got extra boxes then the other day". (kisses her head)

Brian comes back with Mikey and he help him set up his homework, after that he heads outside

Howie-"What you doing?"

Brian-"Calling the school, he's gonna tell you guys what that Kyle kid said to him after he's done with his homework".


Leighanne-"Very bad". (kisses Mikeys head)

Nick-"Here little man". (gives Mikey some juice)

Mikey-"Thank you". (sniffles)

Jessica-"Not again, dumby crayon".

They all laugh, after they are all done with their homework the kids go to Jessicas room and play while Mikey is talking with his uncles

Brian-"Go ahead and tell them buddy, they aren't going to be mad I promise".

Mikey-"He said mean stuff about you guys, and". (starts to cry)

Nick-(picks him up and hugs him) "It's okay bud, you don't have to say anything else".

Brian tells them the rest and they can't believe that would come out of a six year olds mouth

Leighanne-"We're having a meeting with his parents, AJ the principal suggested maybe you and Nora should come as well, since Jake was having problems with him last year".

Howie-"What grade is he in?"

Brian-"Same as Mikey, but he would sit by Jake at lunch and mess with him".

Mikey-"Can I go play now?" (sniffles)

Nick-"Yeah buddy, go ahead". (kisses his head)

Once Mikey goes to play with the other kids the boys discuss the tour schedule to promote their album and also the tour

AJ-"Will she be in Tampa or Utah Nick?"

Nick-"Most likely Tampa, when we go there we could always take a day off".

Brian-"So are we doing it like last time, a stop get the kids then once America leg is over back home?"

Howie-"Sounds like a plan".

Nick-"I'll talk to Julie".

Jen-"How is she doing with the baby and everything?"

Nick-"Good, Jess usually talks to her before bed, she's gonna try to make it out her with Cody and Emily before tour starts".

Aaron-(comes running in with Anthony) "We need a medic".

Howie-"What happend?"

Anthony-"I was running too fast and fell, I'm okay though". (smiles)

Brian-"Looks like he'll just need a bandaid".

Angel-"Here". (puts bandaid on his leg)

Anthony-"Thank you".

The kids come into the living room

Mikey-"Don't scare us like that!"

Jake-"Get him!"

They all tackle Anthony the adults just laugh and smile at eachother

Jen-"They are your kids for sure".

BJ-"Dinners done!"


AJ-"You can say that". (looks at Nick)

Nick-"Hey now". (laughs)

They head to the kitchen and eat dinner, after they were done the kids helped BJ clean up, after that the boys left with the other kids, Nick got Jessica ready for bed

Jessica-"It's too early".

Nick-" Well I thought we could watch a movie and cuddle on the couch".


Aaron-"Your pick cutie".

Jessica goes to pick the movie and she takes it to Michael who is waiting for her

Michael-"How did I know?"

Jessica-(giggles) "I don't know".

Aaron-"Power Rangers". (smiles)

Jessica-"It's Morphin Time!" (runs to couch)

Angel-"Oh my gosh". (laughs)

Nick-"Here little miss". (hands her blanket)

Jessica-"Here daddy". (lifts blanket)

Nick sits by here and covers the both of them up with her blanket, Michael puts in the movie and they all watch the movie, towards the end of the movie Nick looks over and is shocked that Jessica stayed up for the whole movie


Nick-"No she's awake, I thought she would be asleep by now".

Leslie-"Well good thing she doesn't have school tomorrow". (smiles)

Jessica-"They need to make another one".

Angel-"Don't you like the tv shows?"

Jessica-"I do, but they aren't really long".

Nick-(laughs) "You're just like daddy".

Aaron-"Well I'm gonna head to bed it's late".

Jessica-"No loud music mister!"

Leslie-"Oh she told you".

They all laugh, after that everyone cleaned up the living room then went to bed, Nick tucked Jessica in her bed

Jessica-"Night daddy". (pokes his nose)

Nick-"Night baby". (kisses her nose)

After that Nick went to his room and read the text he was hoping not to read from Julie, he shed some tears then after that he went to bed 

a/n what do you think the text is about?

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