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Harry-"Do you need any help Lauren?"

Lauren-"I could always use a hand, plus the kids are still sleeping so that's even better". (laughs)

Harry helps Lauren around in the kicthen while Jessica and Nick are in the living room

Nick-"Does he do all the cooking?"

Jessica-"Not all of it, someone has to do it when he's not home". (laughs)

Nick-"I gotta say dinner last night was so good".

Jessica-"That's his usual".

Harry-"Heard that". (laughs)

Nick-"When is little man coming?"

Jessica-"Any day now hopefully, we might have another December baby if he doesn't come on his due date which is in a couple days".

Nick-"Oh gosh you know how hard it is having two April babies".

Jessica-"I heard all about it from mom". (laughs)

The kids wake up and go into the dining area where Harry is serving them breakfast

Odin-"Thank you Harry".

Saoirse-"Thank you!"

Jagger-"Thanks daddy".

Edward-"Thank you".

Pearl-"Thank you!"

Darcy-"Thank you daddy".

Harry-"You're all very welcome". (kisses all their heads)

Nick-"Very good manners guys".

Lauren-"They learn from the best".

Jessica-"When is everyone coming?"

Nick-"Angel just texted me they are on their way, Harper just woke up as well".

Lauren-"Grandpa and Aunt Alex will be here soon also".

Jessica-"Thanks for letting Niall stay".

Nick-"No problem sweetie".

Odin-"We forgot to wake up Niall".

Jagger-"Oh no!"

Niall-(laughs) "I've been up for a couple hours kiddos". (eats breakfast)

Harry-"Hey, get your own". 

Niall-"Nope thanks Haz". (ruffles his hair)

Jessica-"Some things never change". (laughs)

Lauren-(laughs) "Reminds me of you and Mikey".

After the kids eat they go get cleaned up and changed, people start to arrive, once everyone is there they play some games and start to eat

Alex-"Harry you did a good job with helping".

Harry-"Why thank you Alex".

Jessica-"You just made him a happy guy". (laughs)

Niall-"You ready for the little guy to come?"

Harry-"Fingers crossed tomorrow".

Jessica-"Same here".

They talk some more, everyone finshed dinner and they played some more games, after a bit they left and Nick along with Harry got the kids to bed while NIall helped clean around the house

Lauren-"Thanks Niall".

Niall-"No problem".

Nick and Harry come back fro the rooms an they sit down in the living room

Harry-"All snug in their beds". (kisses Jessica)

They all talk a bit more then get ready for bed, they all say goodnight and head to bed

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