Odin Reign Carter

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(2016 I realized I stopped putting the year my bad)

Jessica-(walks in the house with Axl) "Hello?"

Nick-"In the living room hun".

She heads into the living room to see Nick and Lauren on the couch with the baby

Lauren-"Look Odin it's your big sister".

Jessica-(sits down by Lauren and she hands him to her) "Hey little guy sorry I'm late, last week didn't go as planned".

Nick-"We're just happy you're here now". (kisses her head)

Jessica-"How you feeling mom?"

Lauren-"I'm good, tired but good". (smiles)

Nick-"What do ya think?"

Jessica-"He's got the Carter eyes that's for sure". (smiles)

The boys come into the living room along with their parents

AJ-"Sorry we couldn't wait any longer".

Jessica-"Oh yeah I might've made some pit stops". (laughs)

Everyone has turns holding Odin and they help the little kids as well, after that Lauren goes to feed him while Jessica and the boys are outside

Mikey-"Jess help me catch this chicken!"

Jessica-"No can do". (laughs)

Jake-"Why do you wanna catch it so bad?"

Mikey-"Dude it's great cardio". (pants)

Mark-"You are something else". (laughs)

Anthony-"At least it's not the rooster like last time".

Kristen-"Kids come get food".

They head in the house and eat dinner with their parents, Odin starts to cry and Nick goes to get him from his nursery, he hands him to Jessica and he stops crying

Brian-"I guess someone just wanted his big sister".

Jessica-"I guess so".

Leigh-"Jess if you don't mind me asking how is Jordan doing?"

Jessica-"He's doing okay, he's coming to the show when we're in Arizona".

Leighanne-"I am really sorry about Cody though hun, he was a great kid".

Jessica-"Thanks I appreciate it".

Flashback (early 2016 January)

The boys and Jess were in the studio filming some things when her phone rang


Nick-"Hey hun you got a sec".

Jessica-"Yeah sure dad what's up?"

Nick-"Jordan just called, hun Cody was found unresponsive in his house this morning".

Jessica-"What happend?"

Nick-"They aren't sure hun, nothing was by him or anything, we won't know till the autopsy".

Jessica-"I'm gonna talk to the boys then I will be home".

Nick-"Okay hun, Jordan is gonna call you also".

She talks to the boys and she heads home, when she gets home she goes to her room and cries, the news spreaded quickly and she had people call her, text her, fans making posts, Jordan called her and they talked for awhile the next week she was in Arizona at her big brothers funeral, autopsy showed his heart was enlarged and it stopped beating

IG Post

Caption- I love you give mom and Em a big hug for me

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Caption- I love you give mom and Em a big hug for me

Comments- Fan-Thinking of you JC, HarryStyles-So sorry darling, NickCarter-Love you hun, JAndrews86-He loved you so much kiddo, Brokspics-Love you sugar

Back to present

Once they were done with dinner the others left, Jessica and the boys had a week off so she could be home to be with her parnents and Odin, Lauren fed Odin once more then she took him to bed, Jessica went and got ready for bed then Nick came in

Nick-"All settled in, I took out Axl for ya".

Jessica-"Thank you and yep I am".

Nick-"It didn't bother you when Leigh asked about Cody did it?"

Jessica-"It actually didn't dad, yes it still stings knowing I don't have my big brother, but at the same time I have to accept the fact he's gone". (sighs)

Nick-(hugs her) "I know hun, I miss him too".

Jessica-"Is it okay if I post about Odin?"

Nick-"You sure can". (kisses her head)

They say goodnight along with Laurne after she came in then they head to bed, Jessica talks to Bryce for a little bit then makes a post then heads to bed 

IG Post

Caption- Welcome to the world little man, sorry it took me a little bit to come see you, but sissy had to work I love you already Odin, I can't wait to show you and teach you things

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Caption- Welcome to the world little man, sorry it took me a little bit to come see you, but sissy had to work I love you already Odin, I can't wait to show you and teach you things

Comment-NickCarter- He loves you already too, AJMcLean-Literally though he was crying then Nick gave him to JC and he just stopped, Bryce123-Can't wait to meet him tomorrow

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