Get Better

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Jessica-"Where is he?"

Jordan-(laughs) "He's coming right now kiddo".

Nick-(covers her eyes from behind) "Guess who?"

Jessica-"Daddy!" (jumps and hugs him)

Julie-(smiles) "Told you he was coming".

The other kids run to their dads as well, after that they head to Jordan and Julies house, when they get there the kids go outside and play with the dog while the moms and dads catch up

Jordan-"I don't wanna bring it up, but how did the doctor go?"

Nick-(sighs) "I gotta quit drinking".

Julie-"Well that's good".

Nick-"That's not all though Julie".

AJ-"I'll talk for you brother". (pats his back)

AJ tells them, all the boys knew even Kevin did he was the first one that Nick called after the appointmen, Nicks heart was enlarged by his excessive drinking, and doing drugs, all of the girls were shocked to her this, especially Julie

Julie-(hugs him) "I don't know what to say".

Nick-"You don't have to say anything, just let me tell her okay".

The kids comeback in drenched

Brian-"What happend?"

Mikey-"It started to rain, then it thundered so we came back in".

Jake-"It's freezing!"

AJ-(laughs) "Let's get you kids cleaned up".

They take the kids the change their clothes, Nick helps Jessica after that he sits on her bed and she sits in his lap

Jessica-"Are you okay daddy?"

Nick-(sighs) "No I'm not baby".


Nick-"Well daddy is kinda sick right now".

Jessica-"Mommy has medicine".

Nick-(smiles) "I don't need medicine baby, it's daddys heart, if I don't stop drinking and doing some bad stuff I can get really sick".

Jessica-(thinks) "You're doing bad candy?"

AJ explained to the kids what drugs and alcohol were and told them to say bad candy if the boys talked about it to them

Nick-(tears up) "Yeah I am baby, and I'm really sorry".

Jessica-(puts his face in her hands) "You need to get better".

She then hugs him really tight, Nick just cries and holds her tighter, the others come in and hug him as well cause they heard the whole thing from outside Jessicas room, after that they all went downstairs to have dinner, once dinner was done they were in the living room watching tv, Julie had Emily then she gave her to Jessica

Jessica-"Hi Em". (kisses her head)

Leighanne-"Aw you're such a good big sister Jess".

Jordan-"You should see her when Em starts to cry, she puts on you're guys' album and she stops crying".

Howie-"I guess we just have the charm". (smiles)

Brian-"What song does she usually play?"

Cody-"Drowing over and over".

They all laugh, after that the guys put the kids to bed, Nick decided to have Jessica with him for the night, he looked over at her sleeping figure and started humming a song that is on the new album that is written for her, after he is done he looks at the door and sees Julie smiling she heads to bed then so does her

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