Suprise Visit

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(still in 2016 November)

The kids were back on tour and they were now on the UK leg after being home for about two weeks they just got done with their show in Dublin and are in the hotel, Jessica has her own room and Train is right next to her, he is in the room though for a little bit, she is laying in bed when the door opens and Odin is right by her

Jessica-"What the heck?"

Nick-"Surprise!" (hugs her)

Lauren-"All of us are here, the others are surprising the boys".

Jessica-"Hey buddy". (picks up Odin)

Train-"Now you know why I stayed for a little bit". (smiles)

Train leaves the room, once Nick, Lauren, and Odin are settled in they spend time with Jessica

Nick-"Jen said you're getting your throat checked tomorrow?"

Jessica-"Yeah I might have to be on vocal rest before Wembley". (tickles Odin)


Jessica-"Kinda, I've been coughing as well only in the morning though then after that I'm fine, so the tour doctor is gonna check me out, he can't today though cause he had a meeting over the phone".

Nick-"Hopefully, it's not too serious".

Jessica-"Same here".

They talk for a bit then get ready for bed, they head to bed and so do the others, the next day they have off so they go site seeing a little later Jessica gets her throat checked

Doctor-"Well there's good news and bad news, good news is just vocal rest tomorrow before Wembley, bad news is that you might have to get surgery on your vocal chords once tour is over".


Doctor-"Nothing really serious other than that there looks like there is tension on the vocal chord, we'll see how the rest goes before then look at them after the show, that will determine if you need surgery or not".

Jessica-"So tomorrow it starts, I can still talk today?"

Doctor-"Yes just no yelling, or singing stuff".

Jessica-"Got it".

After that the doctor gave Nick and Jen some papers, after that Jen showed Jessica an app for her to use while she is on vocal rest, Jessicas phone goes off then she answers it


Harry-"Hey I am going to the show at Wembley, but I was wondering if you would like to hang out tomorrow?"

Jessica-"Oh man, Harry I would love to, but the doctor said I have to be on vocal rest tomorrow, I am so sorry".

Harry-"Well that doesn't mean we can't hang out, did you download the app?"

Jessica-"Yes Jen showed me, also I'm beginning to think they knew you were going to call cuase they are saying to hang out with you".

Harry-(laughs) "Yes I made sure it was okay before calling you, you guys are flying in tonight right?"

Jessica-"Yeah we're getting our stuff together now".

Harry-"Alright let me know when you land, then I will text you when I am outback at the hotel to pick you up".

Jessica-"Wait what?"

Harry hangs up and Jessica looks at the others and they are smiling

Anthony-"We know something you don't know".

Lauren-"We talked to his mom".

Nick-"Along with Jordan also".

Jessica-"You guys heard that we were talking?"

Mikey-"Indeed we did!". (hugs her)

It's been five months since Bryce and Jessica broke up and her and Harry have been talking sinceher birthday, she fifteen, but Nick and Lauren along with Harrys mom are giving consent

The gather all of their thinsgs and head to the cars, fans were outside so they signed some stuff, once they got to the cars they headed to the airport they got on the plane then went to London, once they landed they went to the hotel and all had dinner in Mark and Hillarys room

Hillary-"I'm glad I'm able to be here, but thank god it's the last show till the little man arrives".

Kendra-"How bout it".

Jake-"When does your vocal rest start JC?"

Jessica-"As soon as I go to sleep, it's gonna be freaking hard".

Anthony-"Especially since you'll be with Harry tomorrow".

AJ-"Are you guys offical yet?"

Brian-"AJ!" (slaps him)

Jessica-(laughs) "No not yet, that's why he's picking me up outback, and Train I swear".

Train-"I'll be with you, I know his bodyguard too, plus you guys are just going to his house, oops".

Hillary-"Jess don't you worry I got an outfit for you to impress Mr.Styles".

Jessica-"Thanks, but please let it be comfortable, this vocal rest is gonna make me go crazy".

After they all eat dinner they head back to their rooms, Jessica gets a shower then gets ready for bed, Lauren is holding Odin then hands him to her and Jessica feeds him

Nick-"You are a natural".

Jessica-"I mean I did have Emily and Jackson". (kisses Odins head)

After Lauren gets ready for bed Nick does as well, when he comes out Jessica is laying down

Jessica-"Night dad". (pokes his nose)

Nick-(smiles then kisses his nose) "Night baby".

He then goes into the bed with Lauren and tweets

NickCarter-Sometimes when something doesn't happen for awhile then it happens it brings back good memories, love you baby girl JCCarter

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