Big News

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Announcer-"Goal for Kealia Ohai".

AJ-"I see her playing when she gets a bit older".

Nick-"Oh boy". (laughs)

Julie-"You should see her when Meagan is playing".

Kevin-"I heard her boyfriend plays for USC".

Jordan-"You should see him he's a freakin beast, he's looking to enter the draft when able".

(a/n he got drafted in 2009 the player I am putting, idk if he graduated college or not before he entered, so I'm making him go for four years)

Once the game was over they all went to eat, the boys came to the game as well to get out of the hotel. they didn't get swarmed by fans at all when they saw them they said hi, or the fans said that they were spending time with family and to not bother them, after they ate they all went back to Julies house, Cody was suppose to be with Drew but he was on the porch with someone

Julie-"He didn't show up again?"

Will-"Afraid not, that's the third strike so you will be getting full custody, I'm sorry Julie".

Julie-(sighs) "No it's okay, can we talk more about this tomorrow?"

Will-"Yes, I will call around noon, see you Codes".


After Will leaves they head inside, Cody goes up to his room, Nick is going to his room when he hears crying he opens Codys door and goes to sit on his bed

Nick-"You okay?" (hugs him)

Cody-"Why does he hate me?" (cries)

Nick-"He doesn't hate you buddy, had your mom explained why he's like this?"

Cody-"Yes, but this is the third time this month". (sniffles)

Nick-"Buddy no matter what you will always have your mom and Jordan".

Cody-"And you too?"

Nick-(smiles) "Yes and me too okay?"

Cody-(hugs him) "Love you Nick".

Nick-(shocked) "Love you too bud, come on let's head downstairs your mom and Jordan have to tell you and your sister something".

Cody heads out of the room Julie is there cause she was coming to check on him and overheard him and Nick talking, Nick came out of the room and she hugged him

Julie-"Thank you".

Nick-"I'm always here if you need anything". (kisses her head)

They head downstairs Jordan has Jessica and Cody sitting on the couch with boxes

Jessica-"Open now?"

Julie-"Yes you can open them now". (smiles)

They open the boxes and take out the shirts and read them

Cody-"Big brother again?"


Brian-(laughs) "It says big sister finally". 

Leighanne-"Oh my gosh". (hugs Julie and Jordan)

AJ-"Congrats guys"

They all hug them Nick stays back cause he is shocked and is waiting for the kids reaction

Cody-"Wait you're having a baby?!" (hugs Julie)

Jessica-"Baby where?"

Jordan-"Mommy has a baby in her belly".

Jessica-"No way".

Julie-"Yes way". (smiles)

Jessica-"Mommys having a baby!" (hugs her)

Nick-"Congrats Jules". (hugs her and Jordan)

Her parents hug her and so does Kealia, after that they call Meagan

Jessica-"Hi Aunt Meagan!"

Meagan-"Hi hunny sorry I'm not there, what's up sis".

Julie-"Well the kids have some news to share".

Cody-"I'm gonna be a big brother again!"

Jessica-"Mommy has a baby in her belly!"

Meagan-"Oh my gosh congrats sis, it's Jordans right?" (laughs)

Julie-"Well I hope so". (laughs)

Brian-"It better be!" 

Jessica-'Uncle Brian!"

Brian-"Hi sweetie".

After they get off the phone they all have dinner, after that the kids get showers, the rest of the boys head back to the hotel, Nick is in his room when Jessica comes in

Jessica-"Daddy, you look sad". (gets on bed and sits on his lap)

Nick-"Daddy's just tired baby. it's been a long day".

Jessica-"Are you not happy for mommy and JoJo?"

Nick-"Now why would you think that?"

Jessica-"Cause I know you still love mommy". 

Nick-(sighs) "I do love mommy, but she is happy with JoJo and I'm happy that she and JoJo are having a baby, I love her because she's your mommy". (kisses her head)

Jessica-"I'm gonna be a big sister". (smiles)

Nick-"Are you excited?"

Jessica-"Yep, won't be the baby anymore".

Nick-(laughs) "Well you'll still be my baby".

Jessica-"I know daddy". (pokes his nose)

Nick-(kisses her nose) "Wanna sleep here?"


They get in bed and go to sleep, Julie is on the other side of the door and heard everything and is just smiling, after that she opens the door the check on them then goes to Codys room to do the same thing, after that she heads to bed with Jordan

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