Hardest Thing To Ever Do/I Do

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Big Time Skip (Feburary 10th 2022) 

Nick-"Oh god". (tears up)

Brian-"You okay?"

Nick-"I think this is the hardest thing I had to ever do".

Howie-"She's growing up Nicky".

AJ-"She's not that little three year old that came running into your arms that day at the studio".

Kevin-"I think the funniest thing out of all of this is, the kids got married kinda in the same order and had kids as we did". (laughs)

Leighanne-"Oh my god you're right Kevin".

Lauren-(walks out of room wiping tears) "She's ready for her daddy".

Nick hugs her then walks in the room where Jessica is


Nick-"You look amazing". (hugs her)

Hillary-"Oh gosh here come the tears".

Nick-"He is so lucky to have you baby girl". 

Jessica-"And he's lucky to have you as a father in law".

They take some pictures then they sit down and talk, the cameras for growing up backstreet were there, they always did a special if one of the kids were getting married or a baby was on the way

Nick-"I really wish your mom was here right now, along with the others".

Jessica-"Me too dad". (holds his hand)

Nick-"Jordans here". (smiles)

Jessica-"I know I saw him walk in with Aunt K and Uncle JJ".

Theres a knock on the door, Lottie telling them it's time

Nick-"I love you".

Jessica-"Love you more". (pokes his nose)

Nick kisses her nose then they walk out of the room, Jagger, with Odin pulls a wagon with Saoirse, Pearl, and the twins Nick and Jessica then come down the aisle

Niall-"You picked a good one mate". (puts hand on Harrys shoulder)

Harry-"I know". (tears up)

Once they get to the alter, Nick hands Jessica over to Harry and they hug, after that the ceremony begins

Pastor-"We are here today to celebrate the joining of Harry Edward Styles and Jessica Casey Carter".

He continues, he then asks for the rings and Jagger brings up Harrys for Jessica while Odin hands Harry Jessicas, they say their vows and put the rings on eachother

Pastor-"Harry do you take Jessica to be your wife?"

Harry-"I do". (smiles)

Pastor-"And Jessica do you take Harry to be your husband?"

Jessica-"I do".

Pastor-"By the power vested in me and the city of London I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride!"

They kiss and everyone cheers they walk back down the aisle, they take pictures with everyone, their reception was at the same place, but inside, while the wedding was inside

DJ-"Introducing for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Styles!"

Harry and Jessica come out and they do the first dance, they go and sit down for a second then Harry goes to dance with his mom, it is then time for the father daughter dance, the DJ starts to play the song

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