Jessica Casey Carter 7-27-2001

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Tiffany-"Babe it's Julie her water broke we gotta go".

Nick-"Shit, we have a show tonight".

Kevin-"Go if you're not on stage it's fine, we'll explain to the fans".

Howie-"We'll meet you there though".

They head to the hospital when Nick gets there Julies parents and siblings are there, they take him to the room, Tiffany and the others wait in the waiting room, after a bit Nick comes out

Nick-"The boys are gonna have a run for their money, I got a baby girl". (tears in his eyes)

Brian-"Congrats Frack". (hugs him)

They head into the room and have turns holding the baby

Julie-"Tiff you wanna hold her?"

Tiffany-"Are you sure?"

Julie-"Hey you're gonna be apart of her life too, so why not".

Nick hands her the baby

Mikey-"Name?" (points at card)

Leighanne-"Jessica Casey Carter, oh I love it".

Julie-"We actually wanna ask you and Brian something".

Nick-"We wanted to know if you guys are willing to be her godparents?"

Brian-(hugs Nick) "Of course".

After awhile the rest of the boys went back to the arena, Tiffany decided to go as well

At the arena the show started and the boys addressed the crows

Kevin-"The reason why Nick isn't here is because just a couple hours ago his baby girl was born!" (cheers from fans)

Howie-"Jessica Casey Carter, welcome to the Backstreet family!"

Back at the hospital

Julie-(crying) "How are we gonna do this Nick, she needs both of us".

Nick-(leans head on hers) "We will figure this out, when I'm on tour she's with you for now, when I'm home I can take her, I promise I won't let you down Julie, I wanna be the best dad I can be even if we aren't together, plus I got Tiffany also".

Julie-"We'll figure something out, I'm sorry we couldn't fix things".

Nick-"Me too". (kisses her head)

Julie goes to sleep, Nick goes over to where Jessica is and he talks to her

Nick-"I promise to be there for you baby girl, even though mommy and I aren't together we both love you very much, forever and always". (kisses her head)

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