Family Drama/ First Birthday

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(July 2021)

Jessica-"No you need to understand, because of what you said you are not allowed anywhere near us Aaron!" (yells into phone)

Aaron-"You know those were the drugs talking Jess".

Jessica-"Drugs or not Aaron, no is no, and if you are there you will be thrown out immediatly".

Aaron-"Oh come on!"

Jessica-"No you listen, this is a warning I am calling the caseworker right after this cause you were the one who called first, and most of all quit having your mother say those lies and make people think we're the bad guys, cause Aaron you have a problem you need help, but you don't want the help, we gave up on you like you gave up on us, this is the last warning and that's it!" (hangs up)

Nick-"I just called the caseworker no need to".

Angel-"He can't be serious though can he?"

Jessica-"The wedding's in London anyways, he can't travel overseas,cause of probation".

Lauren-"I can't believe he had the balls to call you".

BJ-"He tried to get me to give him Harrys phone number the other day, but I told him no".

Jessica-"Aunt BJ, I'm just glad you got the help you needed". (hugs her)

Nick-"I'm glad we are reconnecting again, I can't believe mom though".

Angel-"Same here". (sighs)

Harry-"I think it's funny he waited till the twins birthday to try to start stuff".

Jessica-"Same here".

Brian-"Hey we all had a fun day didn't we?"


Baylee-"Well Jagger did". (laughs)

Liam-"I am sorry you guys have to go through this".

Niall-"Trust me, Harry has told me about everything and Jess, it horrible".

Lauren-"Let's just be glad that he's getting charged again".

Angel-"He tried to go to Harpers school the other week". (sighs)

Corey-"I wanted to go and handle it myself".

Louis-"Change of subject, how's the new house?"

Harry-"It's good Lou". (smiles)

Jen-"I know this is suppose to be the twins birthday party, but since I won't be able to be there for Jessicas". (hands her gift)

Jessica-(opens it) "No freakin way".

Kevin-"Gold record baby!" (hugs her)

Mikey-"This is amazing".

Harry-"When did it come in?"

Jen-"The other day I was gonna wait, but since the party is over and I won't see her I thought it was best to do it today".

Nick-"Which office is that going in?"

Jessica-"The London one for sure since that's where I recorded most of it".

Jake-"Congrats Jess".

Mark-"Yeah kiddo congrats".

Anthony-"Very proud". 

They all hug her, once everyone left Nick and Lauren along with the kids were the only ones there, they got the kids to bed and went outside by the fireplace, they had the party in Vegas at Harry and Jessicas house there

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