Biggest Show Ever

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Jake-"You guys warm?"

Mark-"A little what do you expect though it is Spring in London".

Jen-"Nerves setting in".

AJ-"You guys are gonna do great".

Mikey-"This is the biggest show of our careers other than Croke Park".

Niall-(walks in) "I have arrived".

Jessica-"Niall!" (hugs him)

Nick-"Hey now watch the voice missy".

Harry-"Told ya he was coming". (hugs Niall)

Liam-(walks in with Louis) "Hey don't forget about us".

Louis-"Yeah where's my hug?"

They all hug eachother

Anthony-"Oh no the dads are fangirling".

Brian-"Am not!" (laughs)

Louis-"Sorry for keeping it a secret, Harry invited us last minute and we couldn't pass it up, plus Freddie would like to see his Aunt Jessica".

Freddie-(walks in with Louis sister) "Hi!"

Jessica-"Hey little man". (hugs him)

Hillary-"Alright people time to get ready".

Lux-"You heard the women!"

Harry-"You are just like your mother".

Lou-"Hey what's that suppose to mean?"

Niall-"Nice to see you lot". (hugs her and Lux)

The kids go and get ready while their parents along with other family and friends wait in the green room

Louis-"So you and Jessica?" (look at Harry)

Harry-"Not official yet". (smiles)

Liam-"I'm happy for you Haz, I'm glad you're parents talked to hers about it".

Niall-"Say did Zayn ever get back to you?"

Zayn-(walks in) "I did".

Nick-"Oh my god it's a One Direction reunion!"

Lauren-"Oh my lord". (laughs)

They all laugh the kids comeback in and they all see Zayn and hug him 

Sue-"I must say we did well".

Hillary-"That we did mom". (hugs her)

Their opening outfits (all the same jacket, but with the design different on them, british flag but the flag will be different on the jackets )

Their opening outfits (all the same jacket, but with the design different on them, british flag but the flag will be different on the jackets )

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