Happy Fathers Day

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Anthony-"How many more minutes?"

Jen-(laughs) "It's almost time, AJ is doing everyones videos then Nick with AJ, we will show all of you then come on the stage".

They are backstage at their dads concert they are surprising them for fathers day, AJ is doing a bunch of videos of the kids saying Happy Fathers Day for the boys then Nick plays one of Jake, Rochelle, and Ava after that AJ has all of the boys come on the stage to look at the screen him and Jen planned the surprise with the help of the moms

AJ-"Fellas one more video". (points to screen)

Jake-"Happy Fathers Day to all of you".

Mikey-"We wish we could be there, but we are on our own tour as well".

Mark-"We just wanted to thank you all for what you do".

Anthony-"And most importantly being our dads".

Jessica-"Thank you for being our biggest supporters out there and helping us along the way".

All of them-"We love you guys Happy Fathers Day!"

The video ends and AJ speaks

AJ-"There's one more surprise, oh Bloodline". (screams from fans)

The kids head out to the stage and hug their dads, they have mics as well

Mikey-"What's up Ohio!"

Jake-"Okay just to clarify, he knew that we were going to be here". (points at AJ)

Kevin-"Damn AJ". (hugs him)

AJ-"Surprise!" (laughs)

Anthony-"You guys can thank Jen and the moms also".

Jessica-"Alright we'll let you guys finish the show, Happy Fathers Day!" (hugs Nick)

Nick-(hugs her tight) "Love you".

Jessica-"Love you more, see ya after".

The kids head off stage and the guys finish the show, once the show is over the guys take showers and head to their tour buses where the kids give them their gifts, Mark got Kevin a Kentucky shirt, Mikey got Brian a new hat, Jake got AJ some new nail polish, Anthony got Howie a new necklace, on Nicks bus Jessica gives him his gift

Jessica-"It's nothing much, it was last minute when Uncle AJ called us".

Nick-(opens it and hugs her) "Thank you baby".

The gift

The gift

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