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Anne-"About time you two". (hugs Harry and Jessica)

Harry-"Sorry mum, fans at the airport and this one is too nice to say no".

Jessica-"Hey now". (smiles)

Gemma-"Hope ya don't mind, almost the whole family is here they couldn't wait to meet Jessica".

Harry-"Oh great".

Jessica-"It won't be that bad, plus I know some of them anyways". (rubs his back)

They head inside to Annes house, they decided to make a trip to Cheshire before heading to London so Harry could spend sometime with his family before tour (I am going to make up some names, I really don't know all of his family members, I'm not that crazy of a fan lol)

Des-"There they are".

Harry-"Hey dad". (hugs him)

Jessica-"Nice to see you again Mr.Styles".

Des-"Please Jess, how many times have I told you, call me Des". (laughs and hugs her)

They go and sit down outback where the others are

Susan-"Harry!" (hugs him)

Harry-"Jess this is Susan, I use to work with her at the bakery".

Jessica-"Nice to meet you Susan".

Susan-"Nice to finally meet you too". (hugs her)

Mike-"How you been Haz?"

Harry-"Good really good". (smiles)

Mike-"Oh sorry, I'm Mike Harry's brother". (step)

Jessica-"Nice to meet you".

Robin-"And I'm sure you remember who I am".

Jessica-"How can I forget, nice to see you Robin". (hugs him)

They talk and eat with the others,after awhile Jessica and Harry said their goodbyes then headed towards London, Train went to the house instead of going to Cheshire with them, when they got to Harrys House (; , they put their things in Harrys room then changed into more comfortable clothes then went back downstairs, Train was staying in the guest house, but he came over to see them then after that he went back to the house

Harry-"It was nice seeing everyone".

Jessica-"It really was, how has Robin been doing by the way?"

Harry-(sighs) "He has his days my mums said".

Jessica-"Are you okay?"

Harry-"They're afraid he's not gonna make it into next year". (tears up)

Jessica-"Oh Haz". (hugs him)

Harry-"I'm just glad you're here with me".

Jessica-"Of course, I would rather be here with you then stuck at home recovering, plus we got till September".

Harry-"If the boys need you?"

Jessica-"Then I will fly to LA, then comeback here when I'm done, or wherever you are on tour". (kisses his head)

Harry-"You are the best thing that has happend to me". (nuzzles his face into her neck)

Jessica-"Just think a couple more months of rehearsing then you'll be back doing what you love". (rubs his back)

They lay on the couch for a little bit then get ready for bed, they say goodnight to Train then head to Harrys room, before they went to bed they called Nick to talk to Odin

Room (no this isn't his actual room lol)

Nick-"I gotta get use to the timezone thing again"

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Nick-"I gotta get use to the timezone thing again". (laughs)

Jessica-"So do I, hi buster".


Nick-"He's been looking for you all day".

Harry-"Well here she is". (laughs)

Nick-"Did you guys get in okay?"

Jessica-"Yeah we went to visit Anne and the others before heading straight to London, Train decided to head to the house so he could get settled in before we got here, he's in the guest house".

Nick-"I think this is the longest you'll be away again other than tour".

Harry-"Well I still have some promoting to do before September, so we might make a visit".

Lauren-"How's your throat doing?"

Jessica-"Good, I've been doing what the doctor says, he also has a office out here, so I'm going in for another follow up next week".

Nick-"Alright well, we'll let you guys get to sleep, say night to sissy bubs".


Jessica-"Night buddy".

Harry-"Night guys".

Once they got off the phone Harry and Jessica went to bed 

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