The Bloodline Is Born

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Brian-"It's your guys' choice you don't have to if you don't want to".

Mikey-"Give me the paper!"

Jen-(laughs) "Here ya go".

Mark-"Wait hold on Mikey we all didn't say yes".

Jake-"Hand it over".

Anthony-"Same here".


Jessica-"Here goes nothing". (signs paper)

Mark-"Well I guess that says it then". (signs paper as well)

Howie-"When are they gonna start?"

Jen-"It's up to them when they want to, I'm just glad all of you are on board with it".

Julie-"Of course this is so exciting".

Jake-"May I ask who took the video?"

Kevin-"Definantly not me".



They all tackle Kevin and the others laugh, after that the kids sit down to think of a name for the band

Nick-"What ya thinking?"

Jessica-"Got nothing yet". (huffs)

Mark-"Can't you just give us a name like they did with our dads?"

Brian-"We were named after a market in Florida then all they did was put boys at the end of it". (laughs)



Jake-"What do you guys think?"

Mark-"It does sound good, I think Emily is getting the point".

Mikey-"Yeah I mean, our dads are the Backstreet Boys and we're their kids".

Anthony-"And we have the same blood".

Jessica-"Bloodline it is then, thanks Em!" (hugs her)

Jordan-"For a three year old you are very smart".

Emily-"I know". (giggles)

After signing somemore papers the kids then went back to their houses with their parents, when Jessica got home with Nick she went to her room

Lauren-"Is she okay?"

Nick-(sighs) "Julie said Emily isn't doing very good, next week she goes to the hospital for treatment and has to stay, how long for they don't know".

Lauren-"Oh my gosh poor thing".

Nick-"How do you feel about the whole band thing for the kids?"

Lauren-"I'm excited for them, plus when when Jess signed the papers I saw a proud dad". (kisses him)

Nick-"I am proud, I'm gonna go check on her, she's probably packing since she goes with Julie tomorrow".

When Nick goes to Jessicas room she is on the bed with Igby and Nancho laying down

Nick-"Hey baby". (lays by her)

Jessica-"Hi daddy".

Nick-"You okay?"

Jessica-"I'm worried about Em". 

Nick-"I know sweetie I am too, she's a fighter though I know she will pull through".

Jessica-"I do too, it's really bad this time though". (sniffles)

Nick-"Come here". (wraps arms around her)

Jessica-"I am happy about today though for me and the boys".

Nick-"I am too baby, you don't know how proud I am of you guys".

Jessica-"Why did Uncle Kevin take the video though?"

Nick-"Well he told us when he showed the video that he didn't expect you guys to sing like that, epecially you with that high note".

Jessica-(giggles) "Your note in it will always be the best though daddy".

Nick-(kisses her head) "Thanks baby, are you all packed to go with your mom?"

Jessica-"Yep, I won't be gone for long though, gotta go to the studio".

Lauren-(comes in) "Everything okay?"


Nick-"Come lay with us". (puts Jessica in the middle of them)

Lauren-(lays down) "Are the boys keeping you warm?"

Jessica-"Yep now you and daddy". (snuggles into them)

Nick-"Love you baby". (kisses her head)

Jessica-"Love you too daddy and you too Lauren".

Lauren-(smiles) "Love you too Case".

After that Nick gets Jessica to bed, Lauren decided on the nickname Case for Jessica since her middle name is Casey, once Nick got Jessica to bed him and Lauren went to bed also

Jen-"I hope this works".

David-"Same here I mean this can make or break us". (looks at the kids pictures and signautures)

Jen-"Well all I can say is that The Bloodline is born".

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