Let's Have A Party!

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Mikey-"Happy birthday Jess!"

Jessica-"Thank you!" (hugs him)

Brian-"How old are you?"

Jessica-" Four Uncle B!"

Kevin-(picks her up) "Stop growing".

Jessica-"Can't help it". (giggles)

Julie-"We're all set outside if you guys wanna come out".

They all head outside, the kids get to playing

Mark-"This is huge!"

Kristen-"Go play in the bounce house with your couisns".

Jessica-"Come on Marky". (takes his hand)

Kevin-"Keep an eye on her".

Mark-"I will dad".

All the kids go to the bouncy house, Jordans teammate starts to arrive and so do Nicks siblings

Aaron-"Where is she?"

Nick-"In the bounce house".

Angel-"I can't believe she's four".

Jessica gets out of the bouncy house and she spots her aunts and uncle,

Jessica-"Uncle Aaron!" (runs and hugs him)

Aaron-"Hey cutie". (hugs her tight)

BJ-"Happy birthday sweetie".

Jessica-"Thank you". (hugs her)

She hugs Angel and Leslie then she goes back to play with the kids

Julie-"Thanks for making it guys". (hugs them)

Angel-"We wouldn't miss this for the world".

Jordan-"Nice to meet you guys. (shakes their hands)

Aaron-"Sorry to hear about Uno Jules".

Julie-"Thanks, he was an old pup, oh let me go get Cody".

She comes back with Cody and she introduces him to Nicks siblings, after that he goes back to playing with Jessica and the boys

Aaron-"You sure those two aren't twins?"

Nick-"I know they look alike, trust me I only had one kid". (laughs)

Jordan-"Jess are you ready for gifts?"


They go and sit at the patio and they give set some gifts one by one to give to Jessica

Julie-"Alright this one is from Baylee, Mikey, Uncle Brian, and Aunt Leighanne".

Jessica-(opens it) "Thank you!" (hugs them)

The gift

The gift

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