The Proposal

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(November 2019)

It was now November, Jessicas bump was starting to show as well, Harry was home for a few weeks cause of the holiday and everyone was together for Thanksgiving, like everyone the boys, dads, moms, aunts, uncles, cousins, kids, you name it, also today was the day that Harry is going to propose to Jessica, that's why he asked for everyone to be there, they were outside at his and Jessicas house in Vegas, they decided to buy one close to Nick and Lauren

The house

Mikey-"Can you believe how much those two have grown?" (looks at Max and Jagger)

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Mikey-"Can you believe how much those two have grown?" (looks at Max and Jagger)

Jessica-"Hard to believe, also Gabe is getting big as well".

Hillary-"I'm just ready for this one to pop". (looks at stomach)

Mark-"Any day now baby girl". (touches stomach)

Anthony-"So how did you make him say yes?"

Jake-"Oh my gosh". (laughs)

Danny-"It was sweet how he did it, we were walking on the beach and he just got down to one knee and asked me, then out of no where Ava and Lyric came running along with AJ and Ro".

AJ-"Hey we were excited". (laughs)

Kendra-"Just think there's only two of you left to get hitched". (looks at Jessica and Anthony)

Anthony-"Hey now I'm taking my time with this one". (him and Matt broke up)

Jessica-"And who knows with him". (looks at Harry playing with Mason and Maxwell)

Ben (Anthonys bf)- "So how you feeling about twins?"

Jessica-"A little nervous, but I think we can handle it".

Odin-(walks over) "Sissy, Harry wants you".

Jessica-"Oh okay".

Odin grabs her hand and they walk over to Harry, Harry then takes her over by the firepit and they talk, everyone is watching them because they know what's about to happen

Harry-"Hello". (kisses her)


Harry-"So you're probably wondering why we're by the firepit".

Jessica-"Why yes I am". (laughs)

Harry-(gets down on one knee) "These past three years have been the happiest of my life, we have a son, expecting twins and I feel like I am the luckiest guy in the world, when I first met you I wished we could've just started righ there and then, but we stayed friends, but then someway somehow god knew we needed to be together, so I guess what I'm getting at is Jessica Casey Carter will you do the honor and be my wife". (takes out ring)

Jessica-(tears in her eyes) "A hundred times yes".

Harry puts the ring on her and they kiss, everyone cheers, Harry picks up Jagger and he hugs both Jessica and him together, everyone comes over to congradualte them

Jessica-"Dad you okay?"

Nick-"Dammit you kids need to stop growing up". (cries)

Jessica goes over and hugs him for a long time, Jagger comes over too and hugs Nick, after everything is done and everyone goes home Harry and Jessica get Jagger ready for bed, once they get him to bed, they go and check on Odin since he's staying the night, after that they let out Axl then get ready for bed themselves, they say goodnight and head to bed themselves, since Harry has to leave early in the morning

IG Post Jessica (I couldn't find any good ones by a firepit)

IG Post Jessica (I couldn't find any good ones by a firepit)

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Caption- I said yes!

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Caption- I said yes!

Comments- Fan-OMG!!!!!!, LouTeasdale-Oh my love congrats you two, JakeMcLean-Looks like we're planning two weddings lol, KevinRichardson- Where has the time gone our first borns are having kids and getting married, HowieD-I know man, Brokpics-This is crazy congrats sugar, NickCarter-I was crying like a baby, AJMclean-We got two wedding to plan, then three more Backstreet grandbabies on the way fellas, so help us lol

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