Welcome Back Bloodline

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(April 29th 2023)

Mark-"Do we have everything?"

Jessica-"Check one check two, yep mics are good".

Tyler-(laughs) "Oh I have missed this".

Jake-"You have dealt with Jess even after we were gone, bless you my man".

Kristi-"Oh my lord".

Jeremy-"We missed you guys really".

Mikey-"We missed you guys too".

Sean-"Group hug!"

They do soundcheck, once they are done they head backstage to where their families are


Mikey-(picks her up) "Hey baby".

Jake-"You about to pop yet?"

Hillary-"Have to wait till August".

Louis-(walks in) "All I'm saying is that we should do it the way you want to".

Zayn-"I agree".

Nick-"Well if it ain't One Direction".

(Just saying if a reunion happens tomorrow night the 27th I'm gonna scream watch James Corden if ya can, that's the show I'm helping eekk!)

Jessica-"Still can't believe you guys did that".

Niall-"Hey we kept the secret good, well some of it our fans knew".

Liam-"Oh for crying out loud everyone knew".

Harry-"Even me". (laughs)


Harry-"Hey you". (picks him up)

Brian-"Man remember when they were that little doing the same thing".

Howie-"I know it's crazy now they have their own".

Gabe-"Aunt Jess can you read this part in your book, you promised".

Jessica-"I did didn't I, well children gather around". (laughs)

Gabe gives her the book that she put out, there is a part in the book thay Gabe found interesting and he wanted everyone to listen

Jessica-"Okay so Chapter 10 Relationships, we've all had our fair share or boyfriends and girlfirends in the band, but if you would've told me that Mark would be married to our stylis I would've said that you were crazy, but it's true they were made for eachother, then I guess you can call me match maker since Kendra and Mikey are together, fun fact Kendra and I went to school together when I was living in Nashville and we didn't even know it, for Jake and Anthony it was hard at the start, our old management said they had to date girls instead of boys, but we shut that down real quick, as my husband says Treat People With Kindness and they'll give it right back, they wanted Mark and Mikey to break up with Hillary and Kendra, wanted me to start dating when I turned twelve, only twelve can you believe it! For me I have only had one heartbreak in my life and that was my very first boyfriend, we are good friends now and he has a lovely family as well, for me I didn't know if I even wanted to date anymore, but a certain someone called me and asked if we could hang out, that certain someone had a crush on me since the first time we met back in 2010, I didn't know the whole story until a couple years ago, but he said he waited for me, and now I'm married to him and we have four kids together. Some people say we shouldn't be together, but they don't know about the things we do and they don't know about the I love yous. I can say this no matter what happens in life, bi, straight, gay, trans, be who you wanna be, love who you wanna love, and most of all love yourself".

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