Road To Recovery

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Doctor-"Everything went well, she should be back soon".

Nick-"Thank you so much".

They were at the hospital Jessica had to get surgery on her knee, she tweaked it during a show and still pulled through the rest of the tour, but with a brace on and didn't dance that much, the nurse brings her back to the room where Nick and Lauren are with some of the others

AJ-"There she is".

Jake-"How ya feeling?"

Jessica-"Ask me in about a hour". (yawns)

Mikey-"She's still kinda loopy". (laughs)

Nurse-"You should've heard her when she woke up, she put on a show for us". (smiles)

Jessica-"Hey it was a good show".

Mark-"Oh my gosh". (laughs)

The nurse leaves after she gets Jessicas order for food, after that the doctor comes in to talk to her

Doctor-"So we start rehab tomorrow morning, you will be staying overnight".

Jessica-"Oh great I won't be in my own bed till tomorrow".

Doctor-(laughs) "Now I understand you guys are taking a break from doing any performances which is good for the time it will take for the knee to hill".

Mikey-"Will she be able to do Power Ranger stuff?"

Doctor-"As far as the stunts go, that will have to be her stunt double".

Jessica-"Ralph has already talked to us about that remember Mikey?"

Mikey-"Oh yeah I forgot".

He gives Nick a paper for the school, Jessica and the boys go to public school when they aren't touring and everyone treats them normal

Jessica-"One more question, how long am I on the crutches?"

Doctor-"As long as it takes to get your knee to one hundred kiddo". (smiles)

Once the doctor leaves the nurse comes with Jessicas food and she eats, the others go to the cafeteria to get something for themselves then they comeback, Jessica is watching tv when they comeback in the room

Kevin-"What you watching sweetcheeks?"

Jessica-"Jordans game".

Nick-"I forgot they played today, who are they playing?"

Jessica-"Texans, Uncle Cush has tackled him three times already along with JJ".

Mikey-"Isn't that soccer team your aunt got signed to in Houston?"

Jessica-"Yeah she starts next year, she still has to finish up in North Carolina, she graduated college, but it's her final season still".

Lauren-"How's your knee feeling?"

Jessica-"I can feel it now, the nurse came and put stuff in my iv".

TV-"Jordan Andrews tackled by Brian Cushing".

Jessica-"Make that four times now". (groans)

Cody-(walks in) "Tell me about it sis".

Jessica-"Codes". (smiles)

He hugs her and sits by her bed, they watch the rest of the game, the others leave while Lauren and Nick stay

Lauren-"I think it's sweet of you coming out here".

Cody-"Hey I know what it's like from last year".

Nick-"You gonna help her out then?"

Cody-"Most certainly I mean I am moving to LA".


Cody-"Sis I did just graduate highschool, I got a scholarship I'm gonna play for UCLA".

Jessica-"Oh yeah I forgot, same as Mark he got his diploma when we were on tour".

Nick-"That's awesome bud, what does your dad think?"

Cody-"I mean he wishes it was Wisconsin, but he's happy".

They talk some more, Cody heads back to his friends house he is staying at for the week, Lauren heads home for the night while Nick stays with Jessica

Nick-"You feeling okay?"

Jessica-"Yeah I'm fine, thanks to the iv".

Nurse-"You're all set for the night then, if you guys need anything don't be afraid to come to the desk or just hit the button

Nick-"Thank you".

Once the nurse leaves Nick pulls out the couch in the room and sets up his bed, Jessica and him watch some more tv before going to bed

Jessica-"Night dad".

Nick-"Night baby". (kisses her head)

They then go to sleep

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Caption- Road to recovery begins, don't worry I will be back into shape before the next Bloodline tour

Comments-Fan- Prayers for a speedt recovering, AJMclean-We're here for you kiddo, KevinRichardson-I've been through this as well and it's not fun, but I know you can do it sweetcheeks, MikeyLittrell-Get better Frack

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