Breaking News

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News Anchor-"Breaking News JC Carter singer of The Bloodline just posted today that her baby brother Jackson Andrews passed away last week, he wasn't even a year old, our condolences to the Carter Andrews family, and also this has to be a horrible month for them with losing their mother Julie Andrews too".

Jessica turns off tv from kitchen


Jessica-"Watch something else, not that crap". (goes upstairs)


Kevin-"I'll go talk to her". (heads upstairs)

Nick-"Thanks Kev".

When Kevin gets upstairs he knocks on Jessicas door and she lets him in, he sits on the bed while she sits at her desk, they have been in Arizona since both Jackson and Julie passed, the kids had a month off from tour and their dads got a couple weeks off to be with them especially Jessica, Jackson passed because of the cancer and Julie passed from an overdose, Cody went to get her from a friends house so she could see Jackson and when he got there they were all outside and told him to call Jordan to tell him the news

Kevin-"Lets talk".

Jessica-"About what?"


Jessica-"Why does stuff like this happen to me, my sister, brother, and mom".

Kevin-"Sometimes life is rude to us and it chose the wrong person".

Jessica-"That's what Pastor Matt said when I went to church with mom and dad".

Kevin-"How do you feel?"

Jessica-"Just anger Uncle Kev, especially with Julie". (sighs)

Kevin-"And you will have that, I was angry when my dad died, I kept asking god why".

Jessica-"I said the same thing when they got buried".

Kevin-"How is Cody?"

Jessica-"Been in his room since this morning, only has been out to eat and go to the bathroom".

Kevin-"What you writing?"

Jessica-"Could you take a look at it, I wrote it for Jackson I want the boys to sing it as well". (hands him book)

Kevin-"Looks good to me, if you ever need help with a song I am more than willing to help you out".

Jessica-"Thanks Uncle Kev". (hugs him)

Kevin-"For what sweetcheeks?"

Jessica-"Making me feel better". (smiles)

TV-"Breaking news, the new Power Rangers trailer has just dropped".

Jessica-"I knew I forgot to tell you guys something".

Mikey-"Yo Jess we forgot to tell them!" (from downstairs)

Kevin heads back downstairs, Jordan paused the tv so they could watch the trailer

Brian-"Holy crap that look awesome".

AJ-"Christmas, I don't think I can wait that long".

Mikey-(laughs) "I know, I can't believe it's an actual Christmas movie".

Nick-"So that's why Jess had a bunch of white stuff in her hair that day".

They all laugh, Ben and Kealia make dinner, since Ohai is Hawaiian Jessica has some Hawaiian hertiage, so Ben and Kealia make a family favorite fish tacos his dads special recipe, once it is done Kealia goes to get Cody and Jessica, they come down and everyone is in the dining room and they start dinner

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