Not The Reunion We Wanted

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(June 2017)

Harry-"Jess wake up".

Jessica-"What is it babe?"

Harry-"We gotta get to Cheshire". (starts to cry)

Jessica-"Oh god". (hugs him)

They get some of their things together then them and Train get in the car and head to Cheshire once they get there they head to the hospital

Anne-"He wants to talk to you". (looks at Harry)

Harry-"I'll be right back". (kisses Jessica then heads to Robins room)

They all sit in the waiting room, Harry then comes back with tears in his eyes

Harry-"Love he wants to talk to you".

Jessica-"Oh okay".

They head to Robins room, Harry waits outside with the others cause Robin wants to talk to her alone

Robin-"Ah come and sit down darling".

Jessica-(sits down) "How you feeling?"

Robin-"I mean okay, I guess, but we all know what's going to happen".

Jessica-"Harry said you wanted to talk".

Robin-"Yes, listen very carefully now, that boy is so in love with you, you have no idea, promise me one thing, stay with him for as long as you can, I see the way he smiles when you're around, even before you two got together he couldn't stop talking about you, you have made him the happiest he has ever been, when the whole One Direction ended he had no one really besides us, darling I love you for the fact that you have made him happy, and promise me one other thing, have as many grandbabies for Anne". (smiles)

Jessica-"Wow, I will promise you one thing and that's I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, and the other thing we'll see". (holds his hand)

They talk a little bit more then the others come in, Jessica goes and sits on Harrys lap and just hugs him, after a bit Robins monitor goes off and they head out of the room.

 The next day Gemma along with Jessica are helping Anne with arrangements, there is a knock at the door and Jessica goes to answer it

Liam-"Where's he at?"

Jessica-"In the living room".

Louis-(hugs her) "Thanks love".

Niall-"Not the reunion we wanted, but Robin meant a lot to us".

Jessica shows them where Harry is, when Harry sees them he breaks down and they all go to hug him, Anne and Gemma come in also for hugs then they head back to the kicthen

Gemma-"I got everything else, you can stay with them if you would like".

Jessica-"Are you sure".

Anne-"We're sure hun, plus I think he could use you for a bit". (hugs her)

They head back to the kitchen then Jessica goes and sits by Harry on the couch

Liam-"I just can't believe it mate, I'm so sorry".

Louis-"I'm here if you need anything, I know how it feels".

Niall-"I know this isn't the way we wanted to comeback together, but we just couldn't call or text we wanted to see you H".

Harry-"I appreciate guys really". (smiles)

There's a knock at the door and Gemma answers it, she then leads the person into the living room

Jessica-"I might've made a call".

Harry-(kisses her) "Thank you".

He gets up and hugs Zayn, they all then sit down and talk fond memories about Robin, after a bit they turn on the tv

Zayn-"Oh look it's Power Rangers".

Jessica-"Oh my god". (laughs)

Niall-"Say Harry, how did you manage to get the Green Ranger to date ya?"

Harry-"Well ya know". (smirks)

Jessica-"Harry!" (slaps his arm)

They all laugh, after a bit there's a knock at the door again then comes running little Odin


Jessica-"What the heck?" (picks him up)

Nick-"Thank god we're staying for a couple days". (hugs her then Harry)

Everyone hugs Nick and Odin, then the rest of the guys and boys come in

Harry-"Good thing we're ordering takeout". (laughs)

Jessica-"Where's mom?"

Nick-"She had to stay back with Aunt Alex for some stuff, she does send her love though".

Gemma-"I heard it was someones birthday a couple months ago?"

Anne-"We got something for him, but we forgot to give it to Jess to give to him when they came to visit". (hands gift to Odin)

Odin opens it and is excited

Jessica-"Oh my gosh".

Odin-"It sissy!" (hugs it)

Mark-"Aww buster".

Leighanne-"Nice to see all you guys". (looks at Harry and the boys)

Louis-"This isn't the way we imagined it, but he's family". (smiles)

Niall-"We know he would do it for us".

Liam-"One question though, where's our nephew?"


Louis-"He's with Brianna, don't worry you'll get to see him".

Jessica-"Also where's my nephew at?"

Mark-"Oh boy".

They all laugh, after a bit they order food then Train and some of the other bodyguards go to get the food, they come back and everyone starts to eat

Niall-"Great call H".

Liam-"He always picks Nandos".

Harry-"Wasn't my choice this time, it was Jessicas".

Jessica-"He might've started it". (laughs)

They all laugh, after they eat the kids (all the young ones besides Odin lol) cleaned up, after that Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall said their goodbyes then left, after that everyone else went to the hotel while Harry and Jessica went to the guest house for the night

Harry-"Thank you love". (kisses her)

Jessica-"For what?"

Harry-"For talking to Zayn".

Jessica-"I had to, the other boys that was their doing I had no idea they were coming". (lays down)

Harry hovers over her then kisses her, they start to make out and things start to get heated

Harry-"I love you".

Jessica-"I love you too".

Harry thrusts into Jessica and she moans, (this isn't their first time), Harry picks up his speed, after a bit they both reach their high, after that they clean up then go to bed

a/n the first I love you, literally I haven't had either of them say it till now lol

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