This Song Saved My Life

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Jessica-"Hey you know that fan who gave me the note at the event?"

Mark-"Yeah why?"

Jessica-"Well I read it and I found her instagram and messaged her I asked if I could put some of the note into a song and she said yes, I told her I am going to fly her and her family out to one of the shows on tour".

Jake-"Have you wrote the song?"

Jessica-"Yeah take a look". (hands him notebook)

The kids are in Tampa recording their new album which is called The Cover Album, in which they got the rights to a whole bunch of boyband and girlband songs, Jessica has been writing off the side also

Anthony-"I like it, are you gonna record it?"

Jessica-"Well I was thinking maybe as a group we could do it, but it's up to you guys".

Mikey-"You should do it, you're working on solo stuff again anyways".

The next day the kids have a off day so they are at the house, Jessica is in her office and she records the song, the groups band recorded the stuff for her as well

(By Simple Plan)

Once she was done recording it she sent it to Spencer so he could edit it, even though her and the boys were recording she decided to release the song and it was a hit in the coming weeks, not only the show, but she also flew Kendra and her famiy out to Tampa to hang out at the studio, Jessica gave them a tour and then they went to meet up with the boys

Jessica-"And I'm sure you know who they are".

Mark-"Nice to meet you". (hugs her)

They all hug her, and after that Mikey can't quit looking at her

Jake-"Look". (points at Mikey)

Jessica-"Earth to Frick". (waves hands)

Mikey-"Sorry, why couldn't you wait till tour?"

Jessica-"Oh does someone have a crush?"

Mikey-"Hey Kendra you wanna go talk?"

Kendra-"Sure". (smiles)

Mark-"Just punch him if he does something stupid".

They leave the room to go talk along with Kendras parents

Anthony-"You done did it".


Jake-"Mikey has a crush on a fan!"

Jessica-"Oh yeah that part I planned it, she told me in the note that he was cute". (laughs)

Mark-"Oh my gosh". (laughs)

They do their school work while Mikey is talking with Kendra and her family, after awhile they cameback and the kids did a recording session while Kendra was there, after they got done at the studio they went outside to wait for Kendra and her familys ride

Jessica-"We'll see you guys in Nashville then?"

Kendra-"You know it, I can't believe we went to the same school for a bit, I always wanted to talk to you, but I was nervous".

Jessica-"No need to be nervous, even though this is my life now I'm still a normal person".

Mark-"Trust us she is the same Jessica we know and love". (smiles)

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