Back With The Boys

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Ricky-"Nice guys, one more time then break".

Jake-"Thank god". (pants)

Mikey-"This is our biggest tour ever, stadiums I can't believe it".

Mark-"I know right, I'm just glad we are doing the arenas first".

Anthony-"Has Jen said anything about Dublin yet?"

Jessica-"No she hasn't, but I know one thing freakin Wembly sold out in fifteen minutes, MSG ten".

Tyler-"I just can't wait for Hawaii".

Jeremy-"Same here man".

Sean-"Whose family lives there again?"

Jessica-"My great grandparents do, I haven't see them since 2006 that's the last time I saw them".

Ricky-"Alright let's get back to it for a bit".

The kids get back to tour rehearsal, Jessica takes a pic of them rehearsing and posts

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Caption- Back with the boys at tour rehearsal can't wait to get back on the road

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Caption- Back with the boys at tour rehearsal can't wait to get back on the road

Comments- AJMcLean-Get it kids!, NickCarter-Can't wait for this tour, Brokspics- Biggest tour ever!

Once the kids were done with rehearsal they went to eat then went to Jessicas house to hang out, Kendra, Hillary, Matt, and Daniel (Jakes new boyfriend), and Bryce met them there

Nick-"Look out kids all over".

Lauren-"You guys going out later?"

Jessica-"If it's okay with you guys, we're just gonna go down to the grove, maybe meet up with Uncle Corey if he's still there".

Nick-"Fine with me hun, just don't be back too late".

Jake-"Dad told us the same thing".

Mikey-"Oh here you guys go". (hands them passes)

Kendra-"Aw thanks babe".

Mark-"For any concert you guys wanna come to, just let us know".

Anthony-"You guys are also welcome to join us for a little bit".

Bryce-"Thanks guys I'll talk to my parents for sure". (kisses Jessicas cheek)

They talk for awhile with Nick and Lauren then they head to the grove for dinner and catch up with Jessicas Uncle Corey (Angels husband) after that the boys head back to their houses, Bryce drops off Jessica then heads home himself when Jessica gets home she sees that Nick is sleeping on the couch and she goes to check on Lauren, she walks in the room

Lauren-"He wanted to wait for you to get home before he went to bed".

Jessica-"I think I'll lay with him on the couch, I think Axl wants to keep you company". (pets him)

She says goodnight to Lauren then changes for bed, she heads out to the living and snuggles up next to Nick

Nick-"Hey baby".


Nick-"Mom sleeping?"

Jessica-"Yeah she said to just stay on the couch no sense of getting back up".

Nick-"Love you". (kisses her head)

Jessica-"Love you too".

After that they fall back to sleep 

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