A Big Christmas

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JJ-"Wow you guys must've been good".

Jagger-"Yes!" (goes to tree)

Jessica-"Oh my goodness".

Harry-"That's a lot of presents".

Max-"A whole lot!"

Mark-"Let's have some breakfast first then we can open presents".

Everyone was spending Christmas together at the house that Jessica has in Utah, JJ and Kealia decided to join this year as well as Meghan, Cush, and their kids

Kai-"Who cooked all this?"

Kealia-"Harry and Gemma helped me".

Gemma-"Dig in everyone".

They all eat their breakfast, once they are done the guys help with the dishes and the kids go and sit down in the living room to wait to open their presents

Nick-"Okay who's playing Santa?"

Mikey-"I'll do it".


Mikey starts handing everyone their gifts, they decide to do three each at a time, Jessica grabs Mikeys for him, once they get their presents they open them


Harry-"She looks just like you princess". (kisses her head)


Jessica-(looks at Harry with a shocked face)

Harry-(smirks at her)

Jagger-"It says from dad, so thank you dad". (hugs him)

Harry-"Your welcome bug, there are some in there from us then Santa brought the others".

Jake-"The ones without tags are from Santa, rememer the note you guys read?"


They open some more gifts, Harry opens one from the kids and they watch him

Harry-"Oh my goodness".

Edward-"Do you like it?"

Harry-"I do, thank you guys". (hugs the kids)

The gift

Anthony-"Welcome to the club, we all have them now"

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Anthony-"Welcome to the club, we all have them now". (laughs)

They continue to open gifts, Jessica opens one from Harry

Jessica-"Oh my gosh". (tears up)

Harry-"I had Lou make it up".

Jessica-"Thank you". (kisses him)

The gift

They are all almost done opening their gifts, Grant got a lot of baby toys from everyone and he was loving it, Hillary gave Mark a box and he opened it

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They are all almost done opening their gifts, Grant got a lot of baby toys from everyone and he was loving it, Hillary gave Mark a box and he opened it

Mark-"Are you serious?"

Hillary-"Yep". (smiles)

Madi-"Another baby?"


Jessica-"I think we need a bigger house". (laughs)

They all hug Mark and Hillary, they facetime the others and they all are excited for them, once they were done in the living room everyone helped clean up, Jessica put Grant down for his nap, the others were outside with the kids and dogs while she stayed inside

JJ-"Not going out?"

Jessica-"No, little guy sleeping".

JJ-"He's out like a light". (sits by her)

Jessica-"Koa is getting so big".

JJ-"I know, so is Grant, you okay?"

Jessica-"Yeah I'm fine, it's just Aaron".

JJ-(hugs her) "I know tiger".

They talk some more, everyone came inside and had hot coco, JJ and Jessica went to get Grant and Koa then they came back, dinner was ready so they ate, once they were finished the kids got baths then they had a campout in the living room and watched movies before going to sleep, the parents went to bed after that

IG Post TheStyles

Caption- Merry Christmas!

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Caption- Merry Christmas!

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