It's Christmas

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Kevin-"Three, two, one".

Mason-(runs in) "It's Christmas!"

Baylee-"Can we go wake them up?"

Brian-"Maybe let them sleep in a little bit more Bay, especially Jess she did get in late last night".

Jessica-(walks out) "Too late Uncle B".

Ava-(holding her hand) "I woke her up".

AJ-(laughs) "Oh my gosh".

Nick and Lauren come in with trays of hot coco, they were spending Christmas with everyone at Jessicas new house in Utah, she decided to buy one for whenever she is in Utah

Her house

They all drink their hot coco and have breakfast before opening their gifts, there is a knock at the door and Jessica goes to answer it

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They all drink their hot coco and have breakfast before opening their gifts, there is a knock at the door and Jessica goes to answer it


Jessica-"What the heck!" (hugs him)

Jordan-"Merry Christmas kiddo". (hugs her)

Kealia-"Hey don't forget about us".

JJ-"Oh let her breath for crying out loud". (laughs)

Cush-"Let us in it's freezing".

They head in everyone hugs them and they sit down, Mikey is in shock

Jake-"Earth to Mikey".

Mark-"Not again". (laughs)

Anthony-"You didn't tell him?"

Jessica-"Oh that my aunt is dating JJ Watt, nope haven't mentioned it". (laughs)

Mikey-"I hate you". (headlocks her)

Everyone laughs and the open gifts

Nick-"Alright Jess close your eyes".

Jessica-"Oh boy". (closes them)

He sets down a box and she opens her eyes

Jessica-"You guys didn't".

Lauren-"We had a little help". (smiles at JJ and Kealia)

Jessica-(reads tag) "Thank you!"

Her gift

Her gift

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