This Is Not Good

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Jessica-"What do you mean he's sick Jordan?" (on the phone)

Jordan-"He was throwing up really bad, the test results came back, I hate to say this, but it's cancer hun".

Jessica-"You gotta be kidding me I can't lose another sibling to that JoJo".

Jordan-(sighs) "I know hun, they are gonna try their best".

Jessica-"What is Julie saying about all of this?"

Jordan-"She's turned for the worst, I put her in rehab again".

Jessica-"I freakin knew it".

Jordan-"I am so sorry Jess, I will call you back later". 

After they hang up Jessica throws her phone on the couch, the boys look at her

Mikey-"I'm taking things aren't good in Arizona?"

Jake-"What made you think that Mikey, her throwing her phone".

Jessica-"This is not good, not good at all". (sighs)

She tells the boys about Jackson and Julie, she then calls Nick, him and Lauren were back from their honeymoon and he was back on tour with the boys, when he got off the phone with her he told the boys

Brian-"I can't believe this".

AJ-"Poor kid can't catch a break".

Kevin-"How sick is he?"

Nick-(sighs) "He has the same thing Emily did, poor guy isn't even a year old yet".

Howie-"How is Cody doing with all of this?"

Nick-"I guess he is flying out to see Jessica when they are in Nashville, Jordan has to stay in Arizona with Jackson, he's not allowed to be alone with Julie right now".

Kevin-"Hey we're here if they need anything".

They talk some more then head to bed, it was late at night when Jessica called, back in Kentucky the kids were heading to bed, they stayed at Mikeys grandparents house for the night since they had the next day off, Jessica called Nick one last time to say goodnight

Jessica-"Night dad".

Nick-"Night hun, love you".

Jessica-"Love ya too, Jordan's gonna let me know more tomorrow".

Nick-"Update me when you can".

Once they hang up with eachother they both go to sleep

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