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Announcer-"Winner for album of the year is, Harry Styles!"

Jessica-"Oh my god!" (hugs Harry)

Harry-"We did it babe". (kisses her)

Jessic-"Three time grammy winner, but got two tonight". (smiles)

He heads up to the stage and does his speech, Jessica and the boys head backstage to get ready for their surprise performance

Their outfits

Their outfits

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Hillary-"You guys good?"

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Hillary-"You guys good?"

Jake-"I think so".

Anthony-"A little nervous".

Mark-"We got this guys".

They circle up a do a prayer, Harry is still saying his speech

Harry-"There is one more person I would like to thank, I think she just went backstage, but to my wife JC, thank you so much for your support over the years, with the band or without the band I wouldn't be where I am today without you, to Jagger, Darcy, Eddie, and Grant I love you guys so so much, daddy will be home soon, and last but not least Bloodline take it away".

The crowd goes crazy they sing a song from their new album (Lift Me Up BSB, video is of the dads, but pretend they are in it as well as their families)

Once they were done they thanked the crowd then went backstage, everyone came up to them, they met up with their husbands and wives to go to the after party

Harry-"Amazing". (kisses Jessica)

Jessica-"Not as amazing as you, what happend with the turn table?"

Harry-"No idea babe".

They head to the after party and take pictures with almost everyone, for the night Harry and Jessica rented a hotel room instead of going back to their house, once they left the after party they headed to the hotel after saying bye to everyone, once they got there they went to their room, Harry closed the door and threw Jessica on the bed and they started making out, they took off eachothers clothes, Jessica layed Harry down then took him into her mouth

Harry-"Oh my god". (moans)

She pumps his member while doing so and it drives Harry crazy, he's a moaning mess, he flips them over and starts to kiss Jessica all over then goes down on her

Jessica-"Fuck Harry". (moans)

He takes two fingers and puts them in, he starts to lick as well and it drives Jessica crazy, she pulls at Harrys hair, Harry then slides himself in then starts to pump in and out

Harry-"Oh fuck baby". (moans)

Jessica-"Just like that, oh fuck". (hums)

Harry-"You feel so good, fuck oh fuck!"

Jessica-"Faster baby". (grabs him and kisses him)

Harry starts to go faster, he grabs ahold of Jessicas hands as he does, he then flips them over so she's riding him

Harry-"Jesus christ, I think this is the longest we have gone". (moans)

Jessica-"You feel so good baby". (rides him faster)

He flips them back over and starts to slow down then go fast again

Harry-"I'm close baby".

Jessica-"Same here".

Harry-"Oh fuck!" (cums in her)

Jessica reaches her high as well, after that they clean up then cuddle up on the bed

Harry-"We haven't done it like that in a while". (kisses her neck)

Jessica-"Usually we have kids in the house that's why". (intertwines their hands)

Harry-"Fuck I came inside you".

Jessica-"If we have another one we have another one". (kisses him)

Harry-"At least it will be with the same girl, not like Nick Cannon". (ooo burn lol)

Jessica-"Hey". (laughs)

Harry-"Have I ever told you how lucky I am?"

Jessica-"Multiple times my dear". (strokes his cheek)

Harry-"I think I still have the beer in me".

Jessica-"You barely even drank, wait till we're at the Brits though". 

Harry-"Are you saying we're gonna get drunk?"

Jessica-"Well maybe not me, but I know how you are at those things".

Harry-"Who knows, I might get lucky like I did tonight". (kisses her)

Jessica-"You never know". (snuggles into him)

Harry-"I love you".

Jessica-"I love you too babe".

They then go to sleep

IG Post Jessica

IG Post Jessica

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Caption- I'm a proud wife of a three time Grammy winner, winning last year then winning artist and album of the year is amazing, I love you so much babe, and I know the kids will be jumping for joy when we get home tomorrow

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Caption- I'm a proud wife of a three time Grammy winner, winning last year then winning artist and album of the year is amazing, I love you so much babe, and I know the kids will be jumping for joy when we get home tomorrow

Comments-LiamPayne-Congrats mate!, NiallHoran-I let them stay up late and they are happy kiddos for sure, HarryStyles-I love you, I couldn't done it without you

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