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Announcer-"First down Titans!"

Cody-"Go dad!"

AJ-"I still can't believe he got traded, let alone to the city where you moved to".

Nick-"Hey makes it easier for us whenever I'm home". (puts arm around Jessica)

Jessica-"Flag where's the flag!"

Emily-"Dada!" (giggles)

Julie-"He sees you baby". (waves to Jordan)

Brian-"They need a field goal in order to win".

Megan-"Brian is not gonna be happy with this loss".

Kevin-"Jordan was right he is a beast". (laughs)

The game ends and the Titans win, it was now 2009 and Jordan got traded for a draft pick during the offseason, Nick also moved to Nashville to get away from the LA seen, so whenever he was home Jessica could literally just walk over to his house since they were neighbors, they met up with Jordan and Brian after the game

Jessica-"JoJo!" (hugs him)

Jordan-"Hey kiddo, how about that game".

Cush-"You got us this time".

Meagan-"Hey now you two". (laughs)

Nick-(phone goes off) "Hello, you're there now, yeah we're just leaving".


Brian-"I think so".

Nick hangs up the phone he tells everyone that Lauren just got to the house

Mikey-"Uh oh".

Jessica-"Mikey shut it".

Jake-"You'll be fine Jess, we'll be there too". (hugs her)

Julie-"Oh today's the day you meet Lauren isn't it hun?"


They went to their cars, everyone went to Nicks house to meet Lauren when they got there they all got out of their cars, they went to the door and went in, Lauren was already inside since Nick gave her a key, Jessica went to her room to put her stuff away when Nick came in

Nick-"You okay baby?"

Jessica-"Yep just putting my stuff away".

Nick-"You nervous?"

Jessica-"I just want her to be nice to you daddy, also I would like this one to last". (flops on bed)

Nick-(laughs and lays by her) "You got nothing to worry about hun".

They talk some more and they head downstairs, Jessica goes to the kitchen and meets Lauren

Nick-"Lauren there's someone I would like you to meet". (puts Jessica in front of him)

Lauren-"You must be Jessica, nice to meet you sweetie".

Jessica-"Nice to meet you too". (smiles)

Mikey-"JC come play!"

Jessica-"Hold on I'm meeting Lauren MJ!"

Nick-(laughs) "Go play with your cousins you and Lauren can talk more later".

Jessica-(hugs Lauren) "I'll be back".

Both Nick and Lauren smile at eachother when Jessica runs outside to play with her cousins

Lauren-"That was surprising".

Nick-"She's never shy, only gets nervous".

Lauren-"So does she go by JC?"

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