The Tour Life

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Jessica-"I win". (giggles)

Train-"Third time this week, dang it". (laughs)

Nick-(comes on the bus) "Did you beat Train in candyland again?"


The rest of the boys come onto the bus, they just finished soundcheck and their meet and greet before the show, Train was watching the kids

AJ-"Where are the boys?"

Train-"Playing with legos in Marks bunk".

Brian-"Sugar are you ready?"

Jessica-"Yep, come on daddy". (grabs his hand)

Nick and Brian get their guitars while Jessica gets Mikey, when the kids comeback Brian and Nick get their guitars and set them up, they then start their guitar lesson for the day, since Jessica has gotten hers Brian and Nick are both teaching her and Mikey how to play every other day when not doing guitar Kevin teaches her the piano


Brian-"It's okay bud it takes time to get it down".

Jessica-"Are we done, I'm hungry".

Nick-"Train you didn't feed them?"

Train-"They want McDonalds".(laughs)

Kevin-"We can get McDonalds once the show is over we'll have someone go get it so we can have it right after".


AJ-"Why not Burger King?"

Howie-"Oh my gosh not again".

They all laugh, after a bit everyone gets out of the bus and head inside the arena, the boys get ready for the concert

Nick-"Jess it's mommy". (hands her phone)

Jessica-"Hi mommy".

Julie-"Hi baby I just wanted to call and say goodnight, I have to hop on my flight to Utah real soon".

Jessica-"Oh ok mommy, tell poppa, grandma, and everyone else I said hi, oh and also tell JoJo I said goodluck since he's away for his game".

Julie-"Will do baby, love you".

Jessica-"Love you too, here's daddy". (hands Nick phone)

Nick-"Thanks for calling".

Julie-"Sorry I've been so busy Nick, I've been meaning to come out".

Nick-"It's alright Jules, she'll see you soon". (whispers)

Julie-"Oh yeah she doesn't know the next stop is Utah". (laughs)

Nick-"Well gotta get going show is starting soon". 

Julie-"See ya guys soon".

After Nick hangs up the phone him and Jessica meet up with the others, they do their show circle then the kids go in the crowd with Train and Q to watch the show

Jen-"Hey take them backstage, AJ wants them to come on stage".

Train-"Sure thing come on kids".

They take them backstage then onto some of the stage

Kevin-"Oh boys we have some guests". (picks up Mark)

AJ-"Who let you guys on stage".

Jake-"Train and Q!" (the crowd laughs)

Howie-"As you guys can see we have been busy during our break".

Nick-"Brian's been really busy, he has two fellas". (kisses Jessicas head)

Jessica-(grabs mic) "Hello!"

Brian-"Uh oh Nick". (laughs)

Kevin-"We just wanted to show possibly the generation of Backstreet, Baylee is kinda a pro at being on stage".

Baylee-(takes Brians mic) "Hi everyone!"

The crowd laughs, the guys take a picture with the kids on stage then they go back with Train, and Q, once the concert is over they head to the buses

Jake-"McDonalds, thanks Aunt Leighanne".

Leighanne-"You're welcome, Jen and I left when you guys went on stage with your daddies".

Brian-"Oh man you didn't film it".

Q-"I got you Bri". (pats his back)

Jessica-"Yes I got nuggets".

AJ-"She is yours for sure Nicky". (pats his back)

Nick-"Nothing wrong with that".(kisses Jessicas head)

Once the kids eat they then get ready for bed, they all watch a little bit of tv beforehand

Howie-"Where's the next stop?"

Nick-"I believe Utah Howie". (smiles and looks at Jessica)

Jessica-"Wait mommy is going to Utah!"

Brian-"Surprise!" (picks her up)

Jessica-"Hope I get to see bubba".

Nick-"Same here sweetie".

After they watch tv the boys and kids head to bed, Brian heads to his bus for the night since he has both Mikey, Baylee, and Leighanne with him

Jessica-"Night daddy". (gets in her bunk)

Nick-"Night baby, remember".

Jessica-"You're up above me if I need you". (pokes his nose)

Nick-"Love you". (kisses her nose)

Nick gets in his bunk, the others get the kids to bed then they get in their bunks after that they turn off the light and the bus heads towards Utah while they sleep

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