Bye Uncle Kevin

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Mikey-"That's what I said".

Anthony-"Uncle Kevin is leaving?"

Jessica-"What about Marky?"

AJ-"I knew this was going to happen". (sighs)

Brian-"Alright kids, even though Uncle Kevin isn't in the group doesn't mean you won't see Mark".

Howie-"You'll see him at school and if all of us want to hang out".

Jake-"That's different though, no tour!"

AJ-"Hey watch your tone young man".

Jake-"Sorry". (huffs)

Jessica-"What about the band?"

Nick-"We're still gonna play music, it's just Uncle Kevin won't be sweetie".

Anthony-"So when you guys go on tour no Uncle Kevin?"

Howie-"No Uncle Kevin". (sighs)

Jessica-"Bye Uncle Kevin".

Brian-"Yeah bye Uncle Kevin sugar". (kisses her head)

Train-"Are you guys excited for school?" (changes subject)


Mikey-"Oh come on Jakey we'll see Marky there".

Anthony-"He don't wanna deal with Kyle".

Nick-"That kid's still bothering him?"

AJ-"Yeah his principal made sure not to have them have the same teacher this year, but that still doesn't mean anything".

Howie-"What about you Jess?"


Mikey-"Baylee and her have the same teacher".

Brian-"Pre K still".

Nick-"Last year of it". (smiles)

Brian-"Baylee is going into kindergarten next year as well".

Howie-(whispers) "Thanks Train".

Train-"No problem". (smiles)

The guys head in to record some music while Q and Train watch the kids while they play, once the boys were done recording they took the kids to eat lunch, after lunch they all went back home, when Nick and Jessica got back home there were a bunch of cars

Jessica-"Uncle Aaron is in trouble".

Nick-"More like your uncle and aunts are sweetie".

They get out of the car Nicks friend Chris came over and got out of his car

Chris-"I just got here to see if you were home I have no idea what's going on".

Nick-"Are the cameras here?"

Chris-"Yeah they are".

They head inside and Nick then goes out to the balcony and yells at Aaron and his sisters they are also filming their reality show House Of Carters, after that Chris, him, and Aaron go to the store when they get back all of the other people left

Leslie-"I had no part in this I was with Michael".

Nick-"I know you were". (looks at Angel and BJ)

BJ-"I left as soon as the drinking started".

Angel-"I didn't drink".

Nick-"Yeah well you also have to remember that your niece is here and she doesn't have to see this stuff, you're lucky she wasn't there when you got sick". (looks at Aaron)

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