Writing Again/Zoom Calls

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Jessica-"What is it hunny?"

Jagger-"Daddy sleeping".

Jessica-"Yes I know daddy is still sleeping, mommy had to wake up early to do some meetings with people".

Spencer-(on zoom) "He's a cutie that's for sure".


Spencer-"Hey little man".

Jessica- (looks at clock) "How about you go wake up daddy and I'll get some breakfast ready".


Jagger goes to wake up Harry, Jessica finishes her meeting with Spencer then lets Axl outside while Axl is outside, she starts to make breakfast, Harry comes in carrying Jagger

Harry-"Someone told me that you told them to wake me up".


Jessica-(laughs) "I was finishing a call with Spencer, I decided to let you sleep in".

Harry-"Tomorrow I'm letting you sleep". (kisses her)


They all laugh, Jessica gets their plates together and they go outside to the patio and eat breakfast

Harry-"How was the meeting with Spencer?"

Jessica-"Good, he's glad I'm getting back into writing, the last time I wrote was the last Bloodline album".

Harry-"Are you gonna have time once the babies are born?"

Jessica-"I think that'a a question for the both of us hun".

Harry-"Yeah you're right".

Jagger-"I full!"

Jessica-"You are your fathers son".

Harry-"Why look at that you ate the whole plate". (kisses Jaggers cheek)

Once they were done with breakfast they took their plates inside and got Axl to come in, Harry did the dishes and kept Jagger occuipied while Jessica had another zoom meeting this time it was for James Corden

James-"Why hello JC".

Jessica-"Hi Jame, hello virtual audience!"

James-"I must say I wish this didn't have to be this way, I miss seeing you, Harry, and Jagger".

Harry-(yells) "We miss you too!"

Jessica-"Oh my gosh".

James-(laughs) "What have you been up to since this whole pandemic started".

Jessica-"Well as many know we have two new additions coming soon, and Jagger just turned two, other than that James, Harry and I have just been spending time with Jagger".

James-"That is so exciting".

They talk some more and the interview ends, once Jessica is done on her computer, she goes to her and Harrys home studio and starts to write some stuff to send to Spencer, Harry put Jagger down for his nap and he came into the studio as well

Harry-(wraps arms around Jessica) "What you doing love?"

Jessica-"Writing some stuff to send to Spencer, he's gonna mix up some things then send them to me to sing over with whatever I wrote". (leans into him)

Harry-"I'm happy you're getting back into writing".

Jessica-"I am too hun".

Harry-"I put Jags down for his nap, I have to do a zoom myself soon".

Jessica-"Even home we're still busy". (kisses him)

Harry-"Love you".

They hug for a bit, Harry then goes to do his zoom call while Jessica writes a little more, she goes through some songs she has written in the past to look at, the one she sees catches her eye

Jessica-"Oh my gosh I forgot I even wrote this". (sends to Spencer)

Spencer then calls her

Spencer-"You know how big this is, it's a song you wrote for Odin, but it means so much more now".

Jessica-"I know it does Spence, that's why I sent it to you, also I'm going all country for this one, except the one I want to do with Harry".

Spencer-"Does he know about it yet?"

Jessica-"No once you do the mix to it I will show him and see what he thinks, it will be big as well seeing that it's a couple that will be singing it".

Spencer-"Alright whatever you say boss".

They talk a little bit more, once Jessica hung up the phone she left the studio and went into the living room, Jagger was up and Harry was done with his zoom, they were watching tv

Jagger-"Hi mummy". (hugs her)

Jessica-"Hi sweetie". (sits down by Harry)

Harry-"Everything alright love?"

Jessica-"Yeah everythings fine, I just talked to Spencer I found a song I wrote before Odin was born and I sent it to him".

Harry-"That's great at least you're off to a start with the album".

They watch a bit more tv then Harry gets dinner ready, once dinner is ready they let Axl out for a bit then let him in (they have a fence around the house), once dinner was done Harry cleaned the dishes while Jessica got Jagger ready for his bath, once Jagger was done with his bath Jessica changed him then got him ready for bed

Jaggers room


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Harry-(comes him) "Yes??"

Both Jessica and Jagger laugh, Harry comes over to the bed then he tucks in Jagger, both him and Jessica read Jagger a story so he goes to sleep, once he is asleep they kiss him goodnight then Axl gets on the bed with him, Harry and Jessica then leave Jaggers room and head to their bedroom to get ready for bed

Jessica-"You know I've been thinking since we're gonna have three kids, we might need a bigger house, I mean I know the twins will be sleeping in here for now when they come home".

Harry-"I was just actually thinking the same thing babe, and I've been looking".

Jessica-"I say we find a big enough house, just in case".

Harry-"Just in case what?"

Jessica-"You do wanna have more then three right?" (kisses him)

They get into a full make out session, they pull apart and lay down on the bed together, after that they go to sleep

a/n by the way Jagger has a British accent, so he got the gene from Harry 

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