When Is The Band Getting Back Together

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Nick-"All I wanna know is when is the band getting back together?"

Jessica-"Dad for the last time I don't know". (sighs)

Lauren-"Give her a break babe".

Nick-"Sorry sweetie, it's just everyone has been wondering".

Jessica-"Jake and I still have weddings to do, so not anytime soon". (sits down while feeding Darcy)

Lauren-"You guys doing it this year?"

Jessica-"We wanna do it before Harry goes back out on the road".

Nick-"Are you planning on going back on the road?"

Jessica-"Honestly I have no idea with the kids, I mean I know I have you guys and the others, but I have no idea what I wanna do yet".

Brian-(comes in) "You guys have to get back together!"

Nick-"Whoa Frick slow down what's going on?"

Brian turns on the tv and they watch the news

Jessica-"No fucking way".

Nick-"Is that Jake, Anthony, and Mark?"

Brian-"Sure is, they just released the album".

Mikey-(runs in) "Jess team meeting!"

Jessica-"Oh hell no, they wanna do something without talking to us first let them". (goes to her room handing Darcy to Nick)

Lauren-"I'll take her, go talk to her".

Nick hands Darcy to Lauren, while Brian plays with Jagger and Eddie, Nick knocks on the door and Jessica is on her phone

Jessica-"So you knew they were going to do this without telling Mikey or I?"

Jen-"I knew about it, but they said that they were going to tell you guys I'm so sorry Jess".

Jessica-"Just forget it Jen". (hangs up and throws phone on bed)

Nick-"Wanna talk?"

Jessica-"Not really." (lays on bed)

Nick-"Been awhile since we've had one of our talks". (sits by her)

Jessica-"I'm happy that they are doing what they wanna do, but they could've at least talked to me and Mikey first dad".

Nick-(rubs her back) "I know kiddo, I would probably feel the same way if that were to happen to your uncles and I".

Jessica-"There will come a time and place where the five of us will get back together, just not right now dad".

Nick-"I know sweetie, it's just your uncles and I have been talking possibly about doing a joint tour with you guys kinda like we did with the New Kids".

Jessica-"I know I hear it all the time from Uncle Brian". (laughs)

Nick-"Off topic, but are you ready to be a big sister again".

Jessica-"Wait what?!"

Lauren comes in with the kids and shows Jessica the test

Odin-"Mommy's having another baby!"


Lauren-"I'm due in May".

Jessica-"And when were you going to tell me this?"

Nick-"We were surprised also trust me kiddo". (laughs)

Mikey-(comes in) "You good frack?"

Jessica-"Yeah I'm good". (smiles)

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