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Lou-"Are you sure?"

Jessica-"It clearly says pregnant Lou!"

Lux-"Oh my gosh". (smiles)

Jessica-"What am I gonna do, the boys and I are recording and Harry's going tour, what if he doesn't want a baby right now".

Lou-"I know for sure he is going to love the fact that he's gonna be a dad, when I had Lux he always wanted to watch her whenever we were off".

Lux-"And you'll be a great mum". (hugs her)

Jessica-"I just don't know how to tell him, he gets home today, his flight got changed, also the boys and everyone else".

Lou-"Tell you what how about we go to the store get a couple things".

Lux-"Yeah we can help you tell Uncle Harry".

Jessica-"Well then to the store it is, also Lou is there a reason why you had extra tests?"

Lou-"Ya never know". (laughs)

Jessica-"I'm gonna have to make an appointment to see how many weeks I am, it couldn't have been that long".

Lou-"I'll go with you to that love".

They get in the car and head to the store to get stuff to tell Harry, they head back to Jessica and Harrys house (lol get it) to set the things up, after a bit Harry gets home

Lux-"Uncle Harry!" (hugs him)

Harry-"Why hello Lux, Lou". (hugs them both)

Lou-"Jess is in the kitchen".

He heads to the kitchen and sees Jessica at the island he comes up behind her and hugs her

Jessica-"Hey you".

Harry-(kisses her head) "Hey".

Jessica-"I got something for you". (hands him box)

Harry-"Oh yeah what's this?"

Jessica-"Oh just open it". (smiles)

Lou is filming on her phone from the side along with Lux

Harry-(opens it) "When?"

Harry-(opens it) "When?"

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Jessica-"Today". (tears up)

Harry-"Have you made an appointment yet?"

Jessica-"Just did they can see me tomorrow".

Harry-"I'll come with you". (smiles)


Harry-"I'm gonna be a dad?" (tears up)

Jessica-"Yeah you're gonna be a dad". (hugs him)

Harry breaks down in tears and he hugs Jessica really tight Lou ends the video and her and Lux come over and hug them as well

Lux-"Are you happy Uncle Harry?"

Harry-"I am very happy". (kisses her head)

Jessica-"I wasn't sure what your reaction would be".

Harry-"Love were you scared that I was going to freak out?"

Lou-"I think we're gonna go so you guys can talk".

They say their goodbyes Harry and Jessica go in the living room and talk

Harry-"Love please tell me you weren't scared".

Jessica-"I was scared of what you would think, you're about to go on tour and the boys and I are recording stuff". (sighs)

Harry-(caresses her face) "Darling you had nothing to be scared about, I have been waiting for this moment for awhile, I have always dreamed about being a dad". (smiles)

Jessica-"I'm just worried about what the others will think".

Harry-"Hopefully supportive, I know you're only fifteen turning sixteen soon, but both of our parents and even managment gave consent for us to be together, even though we have a age gap". (kisses her hand)

Jessica-"If it's okay with you I would like to wait after we go to the doctor tomorrow to tell everyone, the only ones that know are Lux and Lou, they helped me with everything".

Harry-"Whatever you want love".

Jessica-"Oh also". (hands him bag)

Harry-"What's this?"

Jessica-"Odin and I went to the mall, he wanted to get it for you".

Harry-(opens bag) "Oh my goodness".

Jessica-(laughs) "When he saw it, he said Hazzy".

Harry-"Well when we facetime tonight I will thank him".

They talk for a bit more then get ready for bed they facetime Odin, Harry tells him thank you for the little turtle figure he got himand talked to Nick for a bit, Harry then lets Axl out while Jessica is in the bathroom, he comes back in and sees her and comes up behind her and touches her stomach

Jessica-"What do you want?"

Harry-"The baby, as long as he or she is healthy I'm happy". (kisses her cheek)

Jessica-(leans back into him) "I love you".

Harry-"Love you too".

After that they head back to bed, Axl gets in the bed with them and lays his head on Jessicas stomach

Jessica-"You're gonna be a big brother Ax man". (pets him)

Harry-"I have a feeling he knows". (smiles)

They then head to bed 

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