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Jessica-(walks through door) "I'm home!"

Nick-"We're in the living room baby".

She walks in the living room where there are cameras, Nick and Lauren are filming for a show called I Heart Nick Carter for their wedding, the dogs come over and attack her then she hugs her parents

Lauren-"We just got done filming".

Jessica-"I see that, did you get a call about grandma?"

Nick-"I did, we looked at it".

Jessica-"A week before your wedding, she needs help".

Lauren-"Did you read the whole post?"

Jessica-(sighs) "I did, she's lucky I didn't tell Jen to make the flight to New York".

Nick-"How was tour?"

Jessica-"Glad I get a two week break then it's off to Europe".


Jessica-"Yes again, I told Jen as much as I love touring I don't get why we have to do double when it's gonna be the same show again".

Nick-"We're doing another leg too baby, trust me you'll get use to it".

Lauren-"When do you guys start filming?"

Jessica-"We started a couple days ago, so if cameras show up tomorrow along with yours that's why". (laughs)

Nick-"I can't believe you kids said yes to it".

Jessica-"Hey our fans see who we are in interviews and on stage they don't get to see what it's like at home".

Lauren-"She has a point there babe".

They talk some more and Lauren makes dinner after they eat Jessica helps clean up then her and Nick go for a walk along the beach

Jessica-"So Uncle Aaron has no idea if he's gonna be able to make it or not?"

Nick-"Yep". (sighs)

Jessica-"Who's gonna be your best man?"

Nick-"Uncle Howie is". (smiles)

Jessica-"Are you excited?"

Nick-"I am baby, nervous too how about you?"

Jessica-"Of course I'm excited you're marrying mom". (smiles)

Nick-"You're not mad that I invited Julie are you?"

Jessica-"No not at all, I can see Jackson and Cody then since Jordan is coming also".

Nick-"Did Jordan tell you about the relapse?"

Jessica-"Yeah he did when we were in Arizona, he's about to gain full custody if she relapses again, that what poppa told me".

Nick-"How is he by the way since him and your grandma split?"

Jessica-"He's okay, he gets to see Cayden when he can and also Cody goes to see him the same with grandma".

Nick-"I still can't believe your grandmother would say that about Emily".

Jessica-(sighs) "Don't dad it was already hard enough reading what she said about you and Leslie".

Nick-(pulls her close) "Sorry baby".

Jessica-"The boys and I have something planned at the reception".

Nick-"Oh yeah what's that?"

Jessica-"Oh I don't know we might sing a cover of something". (runs away)

Nick-"Hey come back here". (chases after her)

When they were done at the beach Nick and Jessica went back to the house, when they head inside they are greeted by Nacho and Igby, Jessica goes to get ready for bed as does Nick and Lauren, Nick goes to Jessicas room to say goodnight

Nick-"Not bad?"

Jessica-"How in the world did you guys manage to do this in a week?"

Her room

Nick-"Aunt Alex helped"

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Nick-"Aunt Alex helped".

Jessica-"Well she did a good job". (gets in bed)

Nick-"The boys go up the steps and lay on top sometimes, so if they're there in the morning you know why". (tucks her in)

Jessica-"Night dad".

Nick-"Night love you". (kisses her head)

Jessica-"Love you more".

After that Nick shuts the door then heads to bed, when he gets to his and Laurens room she's already sleeping, he then gets in bed then goes to sleep

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