Positve Again

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(October 2019)

Angel-"So how are you telling him this time?"

Jessica-"No idea Aunt Angel". (sighs)

Corey-"Was he on tour the last time?"

Jessica-"No he was just promoting stuff for the tour".

Angel-"If ya want I can help you out".

Jessica-"Thanks Aunt Angel, so Harper what ya think?"


They all laugh (Harper is Angels daughter), Angel went to the store to get some things then she cameback to help Jessica, they were in LA even though Harry was on tour he was doing some interviews as well for that week

Corey-"One other thing, how are we telling the others?"

Jessica-"I'm just gonna make a post, I already have the sonogram pictures since I went last week, when I aw the test was positive again I made the appointment right away, I'm three weeks".

Angel-"I still can't believe there are two tiny dots".

Jessica-"Well I got some of the Carter genes I guess". (laughs)

Angel-"How are you gonna tell Jags?"

Jessica-"Probably after I tell Harry".

They get everything together, Angel and Corey head home, Jessica has her phone set up to record when Harry comes home, once Harry is home he goes to check on Jagger who is sleeping then he goes to the living room

Harry-"Hello". (kisses Jessica)

Jessica-"Hey babe, oh a package came for you while you were gone".

Harry-"Must be the new shoes I ordered". (opens box)

When Harry opens it he is shocked and tears are in his eyes he comes over and hugs Jessica and spins her around

Jessica-"Harry". (laughs)

Harry-"I knew it!" (kisses her)

They look at the tests then Harry looks closer at the sonogram

Jessica-"What ya looking at?"

Harry-"Why does it say A and B with circles?"

Jessica-"Well it looks like we're gonna be a family of five".

Harry-"Oh my goodness!" (kisses her)

Jagger wakes up cause he hears Harry, Harry goes to get him, Jessicas phone is still recording so she is going to tell Jagger

Jessica-"Mommy has something to tell you bud, I have a baby in my belly".


Harry-"Not just one baby but two, you're gonna be a big brother". (kisses his head)

Jagger-"Babies?" (touches Jessicas stomach)

Jessica-(tears up) "Yep mommys having babies".

Jagger hugs her then Harry, Jessica stops recording on her phone then her and Harry take a picture of Jagger with a sign that Angel made and a few more with what Angel made, after that they made a post to tell everyone

IG Post Jessica

IG Post Jessica

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