The Past

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“Izuku, slow down!”  You giggle as you chase a small green-haired boy around the playground.  “I’m supposed to catch you!”

Izuku giggles as he runs faster around the playground.  “A villain never stops y/n-san!”  Izuku climbs up the twisty stairs and makes a bolt for the biggest slide.  “All Might will never find me here!”  Izuku giggles as he ducks behind the slide looking behind himself to see if you are coming.  He waits a few moments before checking the slide.  “I think I got away.”  Izuku quietly giggles to himself.

“Gotcha!”  You grab Izuku’s hands and hold them behind his back.  “Sorry villain but I AM HERE!”  Izuku looks at you, his stomach towards the slide.  You both burst into laughter, Izuku falling onto you while you sit on your knees. 

Neither one of you looked back on the past.  It never really bothered you that Izuku hadn’t gotten his quirk yet.  You always make sure he’s happy.  Even if the thought of him not having a quirk scared you, you were going to always protect him.

“Kids~!  It's time to go!”  Mrs. Midoriya yells from down below.  You both look at each other before quickly going down the slide together.  Izuku dives into the slide with you following behind giggling up a storm.  Izuku lands first but you jump over him and run up to Mrs. Midoriya with Izuku following behind.  “You kids seem full of energy today.”

“Izuku’s mom, I finally did it!  I caught Izuku as All Might!”  You stand with your fist on your hips showing off your best smile before bursting into giggles with Izuku.

“Alright, kids.”  Mrs. Midoriya grabs both of you by the hand and smiles.  “Time to go make a new dish for dinner!”  You and Izuku look at each other realizing what this meant. 

You squeal as you tighten your grip on Inko.  “We get to play at Izuku’s house!”  You smile and loosen your grip.  “Let’s go, Izuku’s mom!”  Inko chuckles as she walks the two of you back to her car to be taken home.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now