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You wake up confused on the hero's back who saved you.  The hero notices your movement and slowly sets you down.  “Hello, little girl.  Are you feeling alright?”  The hero turns to you and kneels at your level.

“I’m okay…  Just slightly drained.”  You look slightly behind the hero, searching for Bakugou.  You finally spot him surrounded by heroes and lots of people.  “Is Bakugou okay?”  You point to where he is while the wood hero turns around.

“Ah, Mr. Bakugou is okay.  Just a bit shaken.  I’ve already contacted your school to get your parents here.  You’ll be allowed to go home after some questions.”  You nod your head and look up at the hero.  “Okay, just some simple questions.  Number one: What happened before I saved you?”

You begin to explain everything, starting with the bottle that Bakugou kicked all the way to the sludge monster grabbing you both.  “After that, I think you heroes showed up.  All I could see was Bakugou from the corner of my eye.” 

The hero pats you on the back and smiles.  “That was a very brave thing to do.  We are all thankful.  Sadly, this news will not be made public due to what is happening to your friend but the heroes will be informed.  Thank you.  Without your help, who knows what would have happened to the both of you.”  You give the hero a hug before saying your thanks back.

“Y/N!”  You turn to your right and see your mother running up to you.  “Are you okay?”

“I’m okay mom.  Just drained.”  Your mother hugs you before taking your hand.

“Let's leave before someone notices us.  I’ll take you to get some cake at the cafe.”  You look back at Bakugou who is now with his mom and dad.  You can’t see his expression so you turn around and focus on quickly leaving the area as your mom mentioned.  Getting home and seeing Izuku is the only thing on your mind.

The Light and Dark- Villain MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now