Training Day Two

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You're drained for the day and it's only halfway through training. The teachers and Pro Heros have kept a close eye on you, watching your energy level. Aizawa walks over to you as you plop to the ground.

"How are you feeling, Scout? You seem to have dropped highly in energy." Aizawa squats next to you holding out some water.

"I'm back to like the second month of being at U.A." You bow before taking the water from Aizawa and taking a long drink. Your breath comes out in a puff. "This sucks not having normal energy."

Aizawa stands up and offers his hand. "I know it sucks but eventually your energy level will go back to normal." You take his hand and stand up taking another swig of water. "You are actually doing much better than you think." Aizawa begins walking towards the cabin, You follow closely behind. "Even though you think your energy level is back to month two, it has grown. Even now."

"It doesn't feel like it's grown. It feels like it stays the same with every move or attack." You take another sip of water before closing the cap.

"Your energy is growing but you are doing harder and harder moves every time you train which gives the illusion that your energy has not improved." Aizawa opens the door and steps inside. You quickly follow after him. "Now, after you rest for a while, I would like to go back to being able to create two bubbles at once. The flower idea is nice but requires a lot of energy to make sure the flower stays alive."

"Yes sir. Thank you." You sit down on a couch and adjust your hair.

"Take a break and come back outside in twenty minutes." You nod your head and relax on the couch. Your head sinks into the back of the couch while your muscles let go. You let out a deep breath closing your eyes.

Minutes pass of relaxation before you feel a finger tap your knee. You lift your head and open your eyes to see a little boy with a hat standing in front of you. "Hi, Kota. Need something?"

"Mr. Aizawa asked me to wake you. Twenty minutes is almost up." You look at the clock and see you have about four minutes before heading outside for more training.

"Thank you, Kota." Kota shyly nods his head and runs away. "Alright let's go clean up real quick and head back outside." You quickly make your way to the washroom and do a quick cleanup. You rinse your face, reapply deodorant, and adjust your outfit. Once satisfied you make your way back to your training area ready to attempt making two bubbles.

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