Time To Go

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"It's time~" You listen as her footsteps skip away from the door. Midoriya rolls his eyes and releases you from his grasp.

He grabs your neck, lightly squeezing the sides. "I am not done with you yet. Once this mission is over, I am back to adding more scars and marks to this neck." He lets go of your neck and opens the door. "We shall be out for a while. Someone is staying behind to watch you. Do not do something stupid, Doll." He motions you to follow him. As you walk out the door Midoriya stops you once more, placing his jacket over your body. "Do something stupid and I will add another punishment onto your body."

You nod your head and continue to walk out the door, fixing the jacket to cover your training outfit. Midoriya quickly catches up to you and makes his way in front of you.

"Ah, Deku! So glad of you to join us. Find a spot and sit." Shigaraki's voice echoes through the main area. No one was saying a word. Midoriya grabs your hand and pulls you along. He sits on a stool and pulls you onto his leg.

While Shigaraki continues talking, Midoriya bounces his knee (NOT the one you are on) and mumbles into your ear. "Hmm, I cannot wait until I come home from this mission." His hand slivers up your back, lightly running over the wound. Your body tenses as Midoriya's fingers get closer to the non-healed part. "Please relax, Doll. I am just seeing what needs to be fixed still."

"Deku." Shigaraki's voice snaps your attention.

"Pick anyone. I trust everyone but Dabi." Midoriya answers without hesitation while you sit confused.

Shigaraki rolls his eyes and points at Mr. Compress. "Compress, you are gonna stay home and watch her."

Mr. Compress slightly bows before turning towards Midoriya. "Anything I need to know about her?"

Midoriya slithers his arm around your waist and holds you close. "Just keep watch of her. Especially when she is training. She is trying a new healing trick which takes a lot of energy."

Mr. Compress bows again. Shigaraki continues his speech. Midoriya teases you more. His hand slowly rubs against your waist while he rests his head on your shoulder. "Keep quiet. Only make a noise if it hurts." You nod your head and try to focus on what Shigaraki is saying. Once this meeting is over, your life is gonna be flipped around. You'll be going back home.

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