The Ride

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You got on the bus first and sat near the teacher's seat. You watch as everyone takes their seat but Bakugou. He looks around the bus before looking at you. He rolls his eyes before plopping down next to you. You don't really mind his presents but this time you choose to ignore him. You form a light bubble and create a small dull knife. You combine the two trying to achieve two bubbles. Once the two forms have mixed together, you slowly turn the knife into a bubble. Sadly, still no luck. The light dies down as the knife turns into a bubble. You sigh and look around.

Everyone is getting excited to train in a new environment. You finally look at Bakugou who is already looking at you. "What are you looking at dumbass?" Bakugou lowers his voice and turns his body towards you.

"I'm attempting to get two bubbles to form at once so I can provide protection while healing people. But, for some reason, whenever I bring the light energy to the dark matter the light energy burns out. Almost like a light bulb burning out."

Bakugou turns back towards the front of the bus and begins to think, placing his thumb and finger on his chin. "Maybe instead of a bubble, for the moment, you could make a plant that releases light energy." He looks back at you while you relax into the bus's wall.

"Can I try something on you?" You form a small knife and hold the blade in your hand. "Can you make a small cut on your arm?" Bakugou looks at you like you're an idiot.

"What the fuck?" Bakugou looks at the knife before taking it. "You're lucky shitty face." A smile appears on your face as Bakugou agrees to help you try something. He takes the knife and creates a small cut on his arm.

"Okay, now, I'm gonna attempt the plant idea." You create a light-energy dandelion flower letting the wind carry the energy. You didn't notice everyone else go quiet, watching as the bus fills with dandelions. A warm yellow color begins to glow on Bakugou's cut, slowly healing it. You deactivate your quirk and look at Bakugou's cut. "Cool!! It works!"

Bakugou rolls his eyes. "Yeah, dumbass. But now you have to try it in the dark matter bubble." You look up at Bakugou and nod your head with determination.

Aizawa stands up looking at his students. "Alright, class. We've arrived. Get off the bus in a single file line." Finally, the training you have all been waiting for is only meters away.

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